London Postcrossing Anniversary Meetup 16 July 2023

Not a problem for me either :wink:

Can you please put me plus 1 as yes as long as the trains are running. Thanks

Travel tickets booked :white_check_mark:

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Hello :wave: Will someone send me this card? here are my cards to exchange:

Not a problem :slight_smile:

Fine for me

I will swing by but I’ll be really late, about 1:30pm if that’s ok? Hopefully I can pull a chair up on a corner?!?

Please add me provisionally to the list :relaxed:

I’ll have to be a maybe I’m afraid. I have an all day 30th birthday party on the Saturday, so I might be worse for wear come Sunday :eyes:

I’d like to come too, but I’m another person hoping for a good train day!

Hi, I would like to come too, can I be added to the list as a maybe? :grinning:

It’s a pity that I’ll miss this meetup. I’d be so glad to participate in it.

Quite new to post crossing but I’d like to come along, never been to the British museum. What do I need to do to confirm? Many thanks

Hi, and hope you can make it to this meet up! I will add you to the list of who is coming. The information desk at the British Museum is pretty obviously, and there will be a group of us milling around. If you need directions, just sent me a personal message as to where you are coming from.

In a couple of weeks I will ask everyone to let me know how many meetup postcards they want, and then on the day you can pay me by cash or PayPal. And that’s it!


I’d like at least 10 postcards please!

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May I have 10 postcards please?

Could I have 15 postcards, please??? :+1:t3:

Looks like we have avoided rail strikes!


Hi Everyone

I am planning on ordering postcards on Monday so if you haven’t already, please let me know how many you would like. (If you are not on the list below but want some postcards, don’t worry! I will still organise some for you).

A reminder that postcards will cost 15p each.


6 please!