London Carnival Meetup - 18th February 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: London United Kingdom
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Horniman Museum and Gardens
:calendar: DATE: 18/02/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

:drum: Weā€™re going to celebrate the Brazilian carnival in London on 18th February! Save the date.

  • :11:00 Meeting point: benches on the left side at the entrance to the Horniman Museum and Garden and then enter the museum.
  • 12:30 Meet back at the benches at the entrance to head to the pub.
  • 1 - 3 pm Have lunch at The Capital and sign postcards! :dancer: :drum: :long_drum: :tada: (TC)
    Google Maps

After a fill changes, the meeting has been decided to be at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, have a small section as part of the permanent display in the Music Gallery called ā€œCarnival in Rioā€.

The entrance to the museum is free, so we will browse free around the museum.
They also have exhibitions that require tickets, in case you want to have a look, here is the link for the paid exhibitions Ticket Information - Horniman Museum and Gardens

:drum: Here itā€™s the postcard for our Carnival meeting!
Let me know how many postcards you would like.
Each postcard will cost 10p.

A better understanding of the card:
:long_drum: We have the ā€œMaster of ceremoniesā€ and the ā€œFlag bearerā€ couple ( Mestre sala e Porta Bandeira), those are dancers whose job is to lead and present the flag of their Samba school during their carnival parade.
:long_drum: Their clothes are made from stamps, released by several mail countries to celebrate Postcrossing.
:long_drum: On the coupleā€™s head, itā€™s possible to see a hat with fruits, to symbolize the singer Carmen Miranda, a samba singer in Brazil who performed wearing a fruit hat. I leave here the link to a playlist with songs by Carmem, songs in Portuguese and English.

Be prepared for the meetup:

  • Bring along with you two postcards from your collection to show us. One that is festive and one with something that represents Brazil.
    Donā€™t worry will take your postcard back to your home.

  • Donā€™t forget a pen or your personalized stamp.

  • Feel free to bring some postcards to give away or swap.

You can reach me during the day, feel free to text or msg me on WhatsApp in case you be late or need any help.

Jenny Assis :long_drum: :dancer: :drum: :tada: :brazil: :uk:


:postbox: Swap - if youā€™re interested in swapping a London Carnival Meetup postcard, send me a pm.

A brief walk through the history of Carnivalā€¦

Page 24

See you soon :long_drum: :dancer:


  1. Jenny Assis - 30 postcards
  2. SusChris - 20 postcards
  3. @sajinghan - 10 postcards
  4. Xylia
  5. Geo_ - 30 postcards
  6. Relvita - 10 postcards
  7. Mella68 - 20 postcards
  8. Ollomol - 10 postcards
  9. Alexfc - 20 postcards
  10. TinyMouse - 20 postcards
  11. Megami - 10 postcards
  12. Binnington - 10 postcards
  13. Seaview - 10 postcards
  14. Kelpie - 15 postcards
  15. Tashac - 20 postcards
  16. Aisha_jaja - 20 postcards
  17. AngelinaK - 10 postcards
  18. Carlat13

Potential attendants:

  1. Star-Mix-1982

Cant wait to hear more as I might be able to attend :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ll be there!! :nerd_face:

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I should be able to attend :slight_smile: Canā€™t wait to hear more about it!


Iā€™ve put it in my calendar :calendar::smiley:

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Hopefully, I will be free to join you. I love the Horniman Museum.

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Hello, also hope to join :slight_smile: First meetup since the lockdowns years! Can I have 10 postcards please?

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I would like to join this meetup. I come from Germany.

May I have 20 postcards, please?

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Hi everyone,
If you could add me to the meetup attendees, thatā€™d be lovely - Iā€™d also want 10 cards please!
Canā€™t wait to see you all,

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Iā€™ll be there! And Iā€™ll take 10 postcards.

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Hi there,

Iā€™d algo like to attend and take 20 postcards, thanks :smiley:

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I have never been to a meetup before - exciting! Please add me. And I would like 10 postcards please.
Also - I can bring an airmail stamp and ink, and will also bring some airmail stickers for those who need them :slight_smile:

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Hi folks! Iā€™m planning on going as well, Iā€™ve never been to a meetup like this before :smiley: Could I have 10 postcards, please?

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Everyone is more than welcome to join. :dancer:t5: :drum: :long_drum: :tada: :brazil:
You can bring your stamps, stickers, pens, and postcards to swap!

We will have a game so bring along two postcards from your collection to show us.
One that is festive and one with something that represents Brazil.
Donā€™t worry you will take your postcard back home.

Our meetup is at the Meetups calendar Log in


Could I have 20 postcards please?
Canā€™t wait to see you all :brazil:

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Hello! Iā€™d love to swap this card after meeting. i am from Poland, Joanna

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Unfortunately I wonā€™t be able to attend, I live on the Wirral, but Iā€™d love to have some if the postcards, maybe 20 of themā€¦ Iā€™m happy to pay for postage and postcards, of course.

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Iā€™ll pm you.

Hi, Iā€™d love to attend!

You can put me down as attending and may I get 10 postcards, please? :slight_smile: :brazil:

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