Lietuva/Lithuania 🇱🇹

Labas, man kilo tokia mintis, gal kas norėtų kartu pasidaryti tokią akciją ir nusiųsti atvirukų į Baltarusijos kalėjimus? Plačiau čia: Main page


I had sent a card to Lithuania got expired 66days from now any ways delivered. Sent from India.

Hey. Currently visiting Vilnius. Which would be the best place to buy stamps? Want to buy them for cards I want to send but a bit nervous about the language barrier. Tips would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi! I plan to visit Vilnius Sept. 21-24. I’d love to meet up with any Postcrossers who are free then.
Regards, Linda

I’m currently in Vilnius, having a tough time sending postcards. I went to a Lietuvos paštas (office) and whatever I or my Swedish husband said, we were responded with “NO, NO, NO.” I showed my postcards without stamps, used google translate, showed a picture of a stamp, but the staff just shooed me away. We went to kiosks and supermarkets, but they said they don’t sell stamps. :sweat_smile: How do people send letters/postcards here? :thinking: Been in Lithuania for a week; leaving tomorrow and I still have my bunch of postcards.

Paroda „Mielas, Aleksandrai!“ kviečia prisiminti buvusį populiarų komunikavimo būdą

Does anyone know good places to buy postcards in Kaunas?

@lucky2002 I usually buy them from the tourist information center or any bookstore

I’m so sorry to hear that… The staff should help people instead of shooing them away…Maybe the staff wasn’t able to speak in English?
And yes, postage stamps are sold only at post office… Sometimes I buy postage stamps online at the shop of Lithuanian Post.
Next time You are in Vilnius, please, contact me, and I will help You to buy postage stamps :blush:
Or I can buy stamps and send to You by post :slight_smile:

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Could anybody tell me how much are the stamps for a postcard from Lithuania to Germany?

It’s 1.70Eur.
The prices differ for each country, check

Labas! Aš gyvenu Vilniuje, o atvirukų nebegaunu jau daugiau nei 2 mėnesius. Išsiunčiau savo atvirukus, jie atėjo. O man - ne. Mano draugė iš Airijos irgi siuntė atvirukus į Kauną ir Vilnių, praėjo mėnuo, bet jos draugai irgi nieko negavo. Gal kas žino ką tai reiškia? Man labai liūdna, nes laukiau ir nieko neatėjo. :((

Thanks for your answer.
I tried it before on, but it‘s hard to understand if you don’t speak Lithuanian.

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Since there’s a different stamp price for each country and doesn’t have an English version (unless you use google translate for it), I made a simple tutorial, how to check the pricing for each country :love_letter:

  1. Go to Lietuvos paštas

  2. Select the country (highlited with red circle)

  3. Select the following options as seen in the picture (highlited with pink circle)

  4. The price for the stamp will be on your right (highlited with blue circle)

Hope this information will be useful :blush:

hello-hello :wave:t2:,

I am writing to ask if anybody here has a šakotis postcard available for swap… something like this, for example!

having the card with a matching stamp will be great but not really necessary of course:


I will be grateful for any offer or advice! :sparkles:

thank you and have a nice day! :seedling:

Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows how to order stamps in Lithuania. I was on the website, but the E.filatelija section will not load onto any of my devices, so I think the website is broken. Is there even a possibility to order stamps online atm? Anyone knows by any chance? :slight_smile: