Liège / Lüttich: Where to buy postcards?

Hello there! I’m going to be in Liège (Lüttich) in Belgium tomorrow. Does anyone have some tips as to where get nice postcards? Thank you!

There is not so much places to buy postcards in Liège, but you can find some in the archaeological museum shop (Archéoforum, place saint-Lambert), the Cathedral’s treasure shop (and at other museums I guess), or at the cash desk of the Nias paper mill (Rue des Clarisses 54). Prices are between 0,80€ and 1,50€ (that’s why I buy (cheaper) cards in Brussel each time I can).

Lütticher Grüsse,

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Thank you for your tips! I think I have to go to Brussel someday soon, I discovered a great online shop that also has a shop there, UITGEVERIJ PLAIZIER, maybe you know it.
I heard it’s difficult to find a postbox, so would you recommend I look for a postoffice?

You’re welcome!
I didn’t know this place at all! It looks great! Usually I buy those at 0,40€ at souvenirs shops ahaha
In Liège there’s also a comic shop that sells Tintin cards if you’re interested (BD Liège, Rue des Carmes 14).
For the mailbox it’s not complicated, I meet a lot everyday (in Liège) but not in the city (very) center, you can check here for the “red boxes”: | bpost

By the way, they don’t sell collectible stamps at post office, only definitives (with king’s portait). If you want beautiful stamps you have to go to Brussel, at the De Brouckère post office. This the only one in ALL the Belgium where you can buy them (or online when you live in Belgium), they named it Philaboutique, it’s not open every days, but you have the details here:

Pleased to help you,