LGBT+ category

Isn’t the censure of people because they do or don’t identify with certain groups exactly what this movement has been fighting against?


No, you don’t get to debate people’s fundamental identities like it’s a debate about store bought vs online bought postcards.


We’re not debating anyone’s identity, we’re debating whether or not LGBTQ+ should have a subforum like languages do.


No, you can’t separate it out and the negative impact you’re having is huge, so stop it


I actually could identify as LGBTQ+ (according to some, others disagree) if I wanted to, so I do have a right to discuss it, in your warped world view. And this discussion is absolutely not having a negative effect on me, and why would it? No one has said a bad word about people who do identify this way.

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We’ll strongly agree to disagree on that


@LC-Canada I am sorry, it did not really understand why you reacted so harshly. Why should we divide the PC community on the grounds of sexual orientation?
As I wrote above - that is just one quality of a person. Why put an emphasis on it? Do we need a hetero subforum, too? Or maybe subforums for vegans, vegetarians and meateaters? For believers and atheists? Lefthanders and righthanders? So that all can chat among „likeminded people“?

Aren‘t we all just people here who want to exchange postcards?
Isn‘t that one great thing about Postcrossing that it does not divide people in „them“ and „us“?
Isn‘t this after all one place where people with the most different identities and backgrounds come together peacefully and have fun together?
Why put labels on some of us?


I’m almost certain that @Cassiopheia is right, and the request is a tag (not game tag, but label tag), or a thread somewhere, not an entire category in the forum. Most of us are used to this forum but new users wouldn’t necessarily know the distinction of a category vs. a tag. I think the minimum of kindness we could offer OP is to ask what they mean before we accuse them of wanting to create division in the forum.

I wish I could like this a million times. I hope the OP doesn’t end up leaving the forum as a result of those comments. I also hope other LGBTQ+ members don’t feel hurt by what has been said here. And if they do - please know that you ARE welcome here, and that this forum is (or should be) a safe space for you.


Yes exactly, ALL are welcome here - that‘s exactly what I said and meant. No negativity at all.


I have to say after reading some these mean comments directed at a new user who was asking a question and maybe I think used the wrong term/word for what they might have wanted.

I also have to say I see all you people playing “devil’s advocate” and have to say devil has enough advocates and we both know you are not playing.

It has changed my opinion on if this forum being welcoming and as nice as I thought it was. Incredibly disappointing and disheartening.


You’re not the only one disheartened and disappointed :pensive: I agree 100% with your comment.


This is a dumpster fire. Put it in the everything else section and disregard any comments in here from anyone not in the community. He’s right that it would be nice to have a space to discuss maybe new stamps coming out about it or pride celebrations in different countries


If the OP is actually asking for LGBT+ threads and/or tags, those already exist and individual users can create these if they want to. But if they actually mean a category in the forum’s technical sense, I think it would be better discussed among other LGBT+ participants rather than non-LGBT+ people horning in and saying that this isn’t needed because they don’t feel that there is a need for it.

For example, I don’t have a need for the Germany category because I’m not German, but German postcrossers have a need for it, so of course this category exists. My own view about a Germany category is irrelevant because I’m not a German postcrosser. Similarly, LGBT+ postcrossers should decide for themselves whether having a separate category serves a practical need for their group and ask the admins/mods to create a new category if they come to conclusion that a category will serve their purpose better than a new thread.


Popcorn line was long. What I miss?


We don’t have a tag yet (we do have a tag game, but not a tag we can use to label individual threads). But @maleko already requested that they create this tag. Thanks again @maleko :blush:

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Sorry, I meant the tag game. I actually almost never use the forum tags so that was not at the top of my mind.

I’m just writing an example of something.

The USA had a Bug Bunny stamps in 2020 and in the stamp area of the forum. A person from another country commented they wanted the USA LGBT+ stamp and I didn’t know what they meant because it wasn’t an official lgbt+ stamp to me.

So yes I did find out that information in the current set up of the forum and that helped me send those stamps to people that ask for LGBT+ items. But I probably would have found that information out sooner with an LGBT+ area because I don’t click on the stamp area much.

This is just an example that might show a need for the community.


I can see your point, your example was good.
Maybe I try to explain what I tried to point out: of course it makes sense to have groups of „likemindeds“ (I put the word in „“ because it is not just about mind and choice). But people tend to join only groups that they feel they belong to. Groups separate the crowd and you get the filter bubbles you have everywhere else already. I am not gay, but I want to chat with gay people and exchange and so on. I am not Muslim, but I am very interested in Islam‘s culture. If there were a gay and a Muslims group I would probably not go there very often as I am not „one if them“, you know? But if gays and Muslims discuss their topics only among themselves it would be a pity for the rest of the forum, others would miss out these themes although they might want to learn about them.


But with only a few exceptions (such as the Regulars Lounge which is only available to forum members who have reached trust level 3), all of the categories are available to everyone to read and post. If non-LGBT+ people filter it out, it’s because they choose to do so, not because LGBT+ people want to keep others out.


Hi @miguel_luna, welcome to Postcrossing. I have sometimes wanted a way to more easily search postcrossing, so as to find folks with similar interests.

There’s a good number of LGBT folks on postcrossing, and I’ve been matched with a good number of them “officially” on the main site.

I’ve sometimes found folks to swap LGBT themed cards on the site by seeing who :heart:s gay cards and ask if they’re open to swapping by sending them a message. I think that you may have to wait for one of your cards to arrive before being able to send messages on the main site. While you’re waiting, there’s also the LGBT tag game others have mentioned and you can post requesting penpals or swaps in various parts of the forum.

I know this wasn’t what you originally asked, but if you’d be interested and would like to send me your address, I’d be happy to send you a “welcome to postcrossing” postcard from Oregon. :rainbow::evergreen_tree: I know when I was new I was very excited to send and receive as many cards as I could.

I’ve had LGBT listed on my profile since I’ve joined, and everyone who has sent me a card has been very friendly and pleasant in what they write.