Letter Tag - Japan X Rest of the World お手紙 Tag

Hello, welcome to Letter Tag - Japan X Rest of the World.

I am typing this Letter Tag explanation in English first, so I believe everyone in the world can understand how this tag works.

This letter tag is for between people in Japan and in other countries who would like to send a letter and receive one, per tag.

Firstly, please always check the Postcrossing Postal Monitor for Japan’s postal situation to see if people in Japan can send airmails to your country now. Via Ship / Surface mails to some countries are possible but please keep in mind that it can take months for the envelope from Japan to arrive in your country. The risk for the envelope to be lost on the way could be higher than the ones sent via airmails. Also, there are some certain countries where people in Japan currently cannot send both airmails and Surface mails (via ship), such as Russia, Brazil, some South American Countries, some African countries, etc.

Please, always check this site before you join this tag :

You can write on any paper you can have on hand - it does not necessarily have to be fancy letter paper. What is important is what you write in the letter, not the letter paper itself. Please try to write the letter to members in Japan as legibly as possible. Some people in Japan cannot read cursive much, thank you for understanding.

You tag the person above you and mention 2 or 3 things (that are not so difficult or complicated) that you would especially like the sender to write about for you. And you also mention which language, English and / or in Japanese (only in Hiragana and/or Katakana or with Kanji / Chinese characters), you prefer, for example :

Tag xxxxxx

Please write me about :

  • food in your country
  • recommendation of where I should visit in your country
  • your experience on Postcrossing, good or not

Please write me in English.

After your tag post, please do not forget to ask the address of the Japanese recipient above your post whom you tagged.

This tag is the repetition of the above. This letter tag goes like Japan → Rest of the World - > Japan → Rest of the World → Japan

Please have a good time interacting with Postcrossing members in Japan through a letter :slight_smile:


お手紙タグ - 日本 X 海外 へようこそ。



Tag xxxxx

Please write me about :

  • food in your country
  • recommendation of where I should visit in your country
  • your experience on Postcrossing, good or not

Please write me in English or in Japanese (with Kanji)


お手紙をその方に送ってください。一応参考までに、このサイトをご覧ください :

国・地域別の差出可否 日本郵便




Since I am the one who started this tag, I start this tag first.

Please write me about :

  • recommendation of where I should visit in your country
  • Your Postcrossing experience, good or not
  • a bit about yourself

Generally, you can write me about anything you want to other than my suggestions above
Please write me in English or in Japanese

(Since I am the first one in this tag, I will send a letter back to the person who tags me.)

Tag @clubpostcards

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welcome! please write a couple of your letter idea suggestions for the next person in Japan, thank you :slight_smile: i assume you would like the letter to be written in English?

next to be tagged is @AprilSun66
by a member in Japan.

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Ah yes, I forgot. :wink:

  • Recommendation of where I should visit in your country?
  • At what age do children start school, how often and for how many years do they attend?
  • What are some popular types of employment in Japan?
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Tag @AprilSun66

Please write me about :

  • What is the most favorite movie and why?

  • Please tell me the song/music that cheer you up.

  • Please tell me your plans for tomorrow.

I don’t mind if you write in English or in Japanese, in whichever you like.


Tag @Sachik0

Please write me about:
• your fav Japanese movies/drama
• your pet
• what do you do in your free time

Please write in English, or you can teach me 1 or 2 Japanese sentences :blush:

tag @dandelion_mail

please write me about :

  • recommendation of where i should visit in your country
  • your postcrossing experience, good or not
  • where you would like to visit in Japan and why

i live in Japan. you can write me in English or in Japanese.


tag @clubpostcards

Please write about:

  • your typical day
  • your favourite place
  • if you have a garden, what do you want to plant this year?

You can write in English or Japanese. If you think a kanji is especially difficult/uncommon please include the reading. :blush:

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Tag @Josi

please write me about :
・What is the appeal of postcrossing and how
did you get started?
・About your life (anything)
・The best part of your country

You can write in either Japanese or English🥰

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Tag @anon90161344

Please write about your favorite hobbies, your family, and the town/city where you live.

Please write to me in English. Thanks.


tag @SecretCityGrl

Please write me about:

How did you get to know Postcrossing?
What inspired your postcrossing username and avatar?
How was your winter holiday? It might be Christmas, New Year or something.

Please write me in English, I study it now😃
Japanese friends who live outside of Japan are also welcome and please write me in Japanese, of course😆


tag @kei17

Please write to me about the place where you live, what hobbies you have, and your favorite local food! Also, if you have any pets, I always love to hear about that.

Please write to me in English, thanks!

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tag @Krasser

Please write me about:

your favorite local food
the place where you live
anything about you (hobby, family, job…)

Please write me in English or in Japanese.


tag @creamsoda

Please write to me about:

  • what do you do in your free time
  • the place where you live
  • Your life during the pandemic

Please write me in English .

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Tag @EricWong2020

Please write me about :

  • Please recommend singer/song from your country.

  • Please tell me the song/music that cheer you up.

  • If you have any pets, please tell me about them. If you don’t have, please tell me about your favorite drink.

I don’t mind if you write in English or in Japanese, in whichever you like.

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Tag @Sachik0
Please write me about :

  • A book that changed your life
  • Your favorite song from your country
  • Your favorite dessert recipe

I would appreciate if you could write in Japanese with furigana please, thanks!

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Tag @gdelospalotes

Please write me about :

  • Please recommend singer/song from your country.

  • Please tell me the song/music that cheer you up.

  • What is the most wonderful flavor of tea(or ice cream)you have ever tasted?

I don’t mind if you write in English or in Japanese, in whichever you like.


Tag @Sachik0

I would love it if you can write about:

  • Wedding traditions in Japan
  • Your memories from school
  • Something about Japan that you are proud about
  • Your favourite Japanese food (and maybe a recipe for how to make it)

Please write to me the main body of the letter in English and maybe include a bit of Japanese handwriting as well - it’s so beautiful :grinning:

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Tag @NatM

I would love to hear about:
・ A book you would like to recommend
・ Your favorite local food/drink (and hopefully the recipe too)
・ Some good news in your life

Both English or Japanese is okay with me :blush: