Lecture at school in February

Hi, my son is giving a lecture at school about postcrossing. He didn’t know what topic he should pick. After my tip, he was enthusiastic. But I think he is gonna be much more enthusiastic is he could bring some cards with him across the world for his class. Are there postcrossers who would like to send him and his class a card? :smiley:


Of course! Pm your address please. This might fit better under the education thread- the moderator would know.

Happy to send a vintage or handmade card on a topic of his choice from Utah, USA. PM me your address and topic.

Would love to send one from the state of West Virginia

PM me, i will send ine from Germany!

Of course! I’d be really happy to send them a postcard!!! :blush:

PM me the address and name of recipient, and I’ll be happy to send a card. Any particular sorts of cards you are looking for, or just hoping for a random variety?