Learning About The World With Some 5 Year Olds (CLOSED)

Hello from the Sunbird class! We are a group of 4/5 year olds from sunny Singapore :slight_smile:

We are currently learning about the world and would love to receive postcards from different countries. We have a scratch off map in class and are trying to scratch off as many countries as we can.

Any postcard would be fine. Though postcards that showcase your country would be best :slight_smile:

For each postcard we receive, we will write back :slight_smile: Please include your address.

Here is our address:

Bambini Childcare LLP
3 Jalan Kakatua

You can address the postcard to the Sunbirds :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Hello, Bonjour Sunbird Class
It will be a pleasur to send you a card from Switzerland. send me your adress.

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Hello @bambinichildcare
I would love to send you a card.
Give me your adress.

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I’ll be happy to send a card from Australia.


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I will send a card from Minnesota in the USA

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I’ll send a postcard from California USA :blush:

Hello @bambinichildcare
I’d love to send a card from Taiwan!

I’ll send a card from The Netherlands :hugs::netherlands:

Hi, I will send you a card from Ireland!

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Just a suggestion… you might receive more postcards if this post was in the “Spread the Joy” category.

Hello i would love to send one! i will message you in a moment :slight_smile:


沒問題🥰 地址的部分有需要用中文的話也可以傳給我!

地址可以用英文写 :slight_smile: 谢谢!

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I’ll send a postcard from Iowa, USA :slight_smile:

I’d love to send you a card from Den Bosch, the Netherlands!


The Sunbirds have finally finished writing all their thank you cards! We will be mailing them off by the end of this week. Thank you all for your patience :heart: