Late / Delayed Notifications

Something I noted as well is when I open one of the topics with a delayed notification, sometimes the somehow stuck notifications just shows up in the moment I’m opening the corresponding topic. It won’t show as new then (as I already opened it), but it shows in the list.

Same here, which is grist to my theory in post 16.

I have the feeling thatthe notification about that one reply showed up agaian and again, when someone else gave a heart to my post (that belongs to the reply)
But only for that one first reply, others have also replied hours ago and the notification stays silent.

I read two new topics this morning, got notifications of them in the afternoon. Other notifications seem to have come promptly, for what I know.

And for some reason, now I keep getting notifications for exactly this post, just now for the third time. :sweat_smile:
“It won’t totally. It always comes back.”
Did you curse me???

Interestingly, in its stead, I didn’t get any notifications for the last three posts in the Socially Good Cards RR :dove: which I have on “Watching” :fearful:

They’ll eventually show up later / tomorrow :see_no_evil:

You’re right! They did, just now. Three hours late, what is it with the number three?

I’m now getting multiple notifications about posts hours ago. Which I’ve already read and sometimes replied to.

Offtopic explanation

It’s a magic number :smiley:

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In the meantime I’m receiving a new (old) notification every few minutes :see_no_evil:

I’m having several of the issues already mentioned by others. I get “old” notifications that I’ve already clicked on; they sort of move up and become “new” again, with the little grey or green numbers on my avatar.
Like @SailingBy , I’m also receiving emails for notifications that aren’t new and that I had already seen and clicked on.

I’m on my phone (Samsung), not sure if that matters.

This is getting annoying :expressionless:


I just had a look at our logs and something was off the tracks yesterday afternoon, but a component was automatically restarted and there’s no errors after that. I suspect the issue correct course by itself, but please report if it continues.


Yes, I seem to be getting either delayed/repeated notifications or phantom ones because there’s nothing there when I go to check today - I’m assuming I’m not missing messages right?

:heart_eyes: grin

I’ve just received 7 notifications from yesterday afternoon and last night mentions and messages

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