KUOPIO Meetup 9.10.2021 - Postcard 150 yrs in Finland

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kuopio
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Puijon Maja, Puijontie 135
:calendar: DATE: 9.10.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9-12.30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet and celebrate postcard that turns 150 years in Finland.
Sign up messaging @Savolax on the 18th of September at the latest. Welcome!

Tervetuloa Kuopion “Postikortti 150 vuotta” -juhlamiittiin la 9.10.2021 klo 9-12.30 Puijon Majalle!
Puijon Maja sijaitsee Puijon tornin juurella, os. Puijontie 135. Tarjolla on herkullista retkiaamiaista omakustanteisesti (aamiainen 15,50 €, lisätietoa Puijon Majan retkiaamiainen viikonloppuisin | Puijo Peak → ilmoitukset erityisruokavalioista suoraan Puijon majalle)
Ilmoittaudu mukaan 18.9. mennessä laittamalla viestiä @Savolax

Tervetuloa kirjoittelemaan juhlakortteja mukavassa seurassa!

P.S. Puijon tornin postilaatikosta saa erikoisleiman.

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Hi :slight_smile:
I just found out about this series of meetings and I would just love to receive a meeting card as I have been several times to Kuopuo. I would offer a card from the international Bielefeld-Meeting in return!
I am aware that my question is quite spontanious but maybe I have some luck :four_leaf_clover:

We received 2 nice postcards from this meeting — kiitos! :smiley: We hope you enjoyed your nice breakfast together, as well as the visit to the tower. The views look spectacular!