"Kids' Travel Agency" from St. Petersburg welcomes friends!

Hello Friends!
My students from a homeschooling class with studying Russian and American Programs aged 8-10 would love to swap letters with other English-writing/speaking friends.
We are located in St. Petersburg, Russia. We do lots of Projects and have started a Kids’ Travel Agency club. We are looking for kids who enjoy not only writing but traveling as well, in hopes, we can invite them over here and visit some day.
We are interested in doing mutual projects, which involves lots of writing, drawing, and making different things (STEAM). My dream is that every of my students will find a good friend to write to.
St. Petersburg is one of the most amazing cities in the world with lots of attractions for every age.
If you have the same passion for exploring the world, getting to know other nations and their ways of life, or just want to say Privet! (Hello) in your postcards, we would be happy to send ours as well!

Have a great new school year!
Warm regards from Russia!
If you wish to connect with us, here is the address:

Marina Latcko
4 - 43, Lesnaya Str.
Novoye Devyatkino
RUSSIA, 188661


I’m in St Petersburg FL USA and would love to say hello!

I always enjoy sending & receiving cards to the other St. Petersburg. :slight_smile:


This is so wonderful! :smiley: We will certainly love our St. Pete exchange! :grin:

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If you can PM the mailing info, I’ll put a card in the mail. :smiley:

It is no secret :grin:
Marina Latcko
4 - 43, Lesnaya Str.
Novoye Devyatkino
RUSSIA, 188661
I will be looking forward to it and sending back a nice card back to you :slight_smile:

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Hello! USA postcrossers can’t sending mails to Russia.

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Oh my goodness! I was so excited that I totally forgot about that!

Thank you so much for the reminder!

(I’ll be so glad when we can send to Russia again. Some of my favorite members!)


Okay, let’s wait and hope :pray: