Kids profiles

I have come across a few profiles lately that are used by kids. I wondered if there was any way to have some type of indicator the profile belongs to a minor? It would be great if members had the ability to opt in or out of linking with kids the same way we can select if we get cards from our own country.

I have no idea what to say to kids. There are no kids in my life and I am pretty unenthused when I draw one. I have been solving this by covering the card in stamps and stickers so I don’t have to think of too much to write.


I’d just describe or comment on the card you’re sending them. We all get profiles we don’t connect with including the ones with no or minimal profiles but you still send them a card.


I changed the category of your topic.

Personally, I don’t want to be able to exclude certain groups of people.
Where would that lead?

Children usually love animals and you could tell them about your work with dogs for example.


I also really don’t like when I draw a child’s profile and it makes me uncomfortable feeling like I’m expected to moderate myself and tailor it when I have almost zero understanding of what is age-appropriate for various ages, so I would definitely opt out if that were an option. (I know that I can just send whatever I want, but postage is so expensive that I strongly dislike sending something knowing it’s probably not right.)

That said, until that’s an option, I agree with the suggestion that animals are probably the easiest way to go. I usually write about my pets or (when I’ve got the time and energy) look up a fun fact about animals.


I don’t have an issue sending to kids because I’m very familiar with kids, but I think it is a great idea on the opposite end. As an adult, I feel bashful by profiles mentioning they like erotic cards and I go through their favorites and some are racy. Everyone has their own preferences, and I try my best but maybe a rating would be nice keeping those profiles from being selected for each other in the settings.


@Bille I don’t think we should exclude people either but I think care needs to be taken with children and it would be good to have a flag to know this is a younger person’s profile. I think @EVillalba has articulated something that I have been thinking about but perhaps haven’t described well, some profile do mention some mild adult content and it would be good to let these people express themselves but to hide this content from kids. One example is there is currently a lottery happening with rather cute illustrations of pin up girls. Some people may think this not suitable content for kids or people like @EVillalba may prefer not to see it. It would be great to be able to label it and hide it from those who don’t want to see it, without censoring the rest of the group.
I think it would be idea if kids profiles were flagged with a symbol or something to show they are under 18 so we are aware and to give adults an option to opt out of communication with kids. Conversely some kids might prefer to correspond with other kids rather than adults.
We can opt out of corresponding with people in our own countries so I am simply suggesting having this option for people under 18 too.


I have received a card where sender told they are complete opposite of me so they have nothing to say to me. Their profile told they are optimist, get along with everyone, bubbly and talkative etc. Should people then choose they only send to similar as they are? I think this person would have chosen not to send to me.

I especially love here, when I interact with all kind of ages. I think it’s part of the idea. Small connection with people and not exclude anyone. (The not to send within you own country is a small safety thing, I think.)

Children’s profiles are supervised by adults. We don’t have to be extra careful. Just normal how you behave with other persons. We all have been children. Think what you liked to do then, what topics was your interests, what was the popular toy or game then, in your country, what did you do at that age? Or just normal things about your day, work, hobbies.

Out of all my cards I think only two would not have been for a child, it’s a drunken looking historic image of a woman, and one with message where they recommend me tryin recreational drugs.

Too adulty pictures of cards can be told and they will be removed. The adult supervising the profile can say here is something I don’t like you to see.


As I understand your suggestion right, the point was that you don’t relate to children and don’t know what to write to them.

The theme that @EVillalba mentioned we have discussed several times and there is also a statemant from the admins in one of the topics.

Please don’t discuss it again here.


My first concern when I saw kids profiles was only regarding the “sending and registering process” I thought sometimes they might love the idea of Postcrossing, draw names and then feel lazy to write a card (if they have a card at home or a place to buy them) but how would I differentiate one kid like that from one that is really curious about the world and participating regularly? Only time will show… So I do my best and cross fingers my card will be registered😅
About what to write, kids are curious about everything so here are some ideas:
-is there a curious fact about your town?
-your favourite place to go in your town
-nice museum you have visited and would like to recommend
-best place to go on holidays in your country
-what are your country’s typical foods/dishes
-latest film you watched at the movies or series or TV program
-music you listen to
-if you remember your favorite book as a kid/teen
-typical animals from your country/ or your pets
-festivities from your town or country
-if you are sending a touristic card, explain it a bit, like for example if it’s the picture of a square you may tell if there’s a statue and who’s depicted, or if you pass by this square going to work, or if you go there to meet friends and stop for coffee nearby…same as a building, try to make a connection with you, or why is it important to appear at a postcard

And you don’t need to have a special language, a special “easier” way to talk/to write to children. Express yourself like you would as for an adult, with education being the only rule.

And as everything else in life, being fluent in something comes out of practice. :wink::heart:


As a teacher and a mother of 2, I have the following conclusion: kids are like people, only smaller ;-). I have just finished a project in my class where we have received many cards. I think there isn’t a group of people who are more enthousiastic about getting cards then kids.

Most populair were the ‘touristic’ parts of the world and fantasy cards. We had a card send from Kapiti, New Zealand, that really wows my childern. Someone at the other side of the world send them a card!
What to say to them? Something about what they see on the front of the card, what hobbies do you have, what really made you smile when you were a kid or now as grown up, themeparks they have to visit, your biggest blooper, a joke, a riddle… Some stickers maybe and you make a childs day a happy day!


I’m still new here. My son 14 years old also has a profile here
He got his own box, buys his own postcards and writes diligently. Not always varied. But with a lot of joy.My greatest joy is to see how this boy, who does not find it easy to laugh during puberty, is happy and happy about every single postcard he receives. No matter what is written, a few kind words about your hobby or your pets are enough.
He has hung a map of the world in his room and marks every place he gets mail from. Our lives have become so much richer through postcrosing. That’s why I’m very much in favor of allowing underage cards to be written.Thank you all for contributing to our new great hobby.


I usually draw something on the card or put some nice/cute stickers :blush::two_hearts: and I write about my cats or something, maybe a book I just read (I read YA books and sometimes children books.).


This is so wholesome :pleading_face:


sure, great idea. and tomorrow someone doesn’t want to write to old people, people in specific countries, animals, people with different political views.
and the next thing you know we can go through profiles like we’re shopping at the h&m webshop.


I’m not in favour of opting out of writing to kids. Wouldn’t it be a pity if we excluded children, who are interested in REAL mail, from the game of randomness and surprise that Postcrossing is? Let’s be honest, everyone draws a profile from time to time which makes us feel uncomfortable for some reason. But the rules say that we write a postcard nevertheless. This should apply to kids’ profiles too!

I don’t have children myself, but I remember being a kid who loved getting and writing mail. :blush:

I’m sure that kids’ profiles are always recognisable as underage - the parents (who have to guide kids unter 13 in doing Postcrossing) must have a strong interest in making clear that the profile belongs to an underage member.
Teenagers can do Postcrossing without the permission of their parents (see the community guidelines), and in my opinion they can be treated like adults, with a decent postcard suitable for the general liking, and a normal text.

We discussed often about opting out of writing cards to certain people or countries, so that I can link a summary response I’ve written in another topic…

Now I can add another group to this list… :upside_down_face:


I don’t have kids, so I may be wrong, but I believe that most underage people on postcrossing would be teens, so they wouldn’t need cards written in a special way, just that some topics are avoided because they are inappropriate for them (either in general, or in a communication with a random stranger).

And honestly, all of such topics I can think of are also topics that I would also avoid in a postcard for an adult that didn’t explicitly mention them in their profile (saucy bits, politics, some kind of religious talk, etc.).


My 5 year old son is a postcrosser :blush: He can write his own name and decorate and I help him with the other stuff. He has received a lot of nice messages and he is happy with any postcard.


While I understand your initial trepidation about writing to a child, I think you are overthinking this. Just write about who you are, what you like to do. Talk about where you live, etc. You don’t have to talk about toys and Disney!

Also I would reframe this in your mind. The young postcrossers of today are going to be the adult postcrossers of tomorrow! We want people to continue to be engaged in this pastime! Young people who are postcrossers are exposed to different countries and cultures and those are experiences we want to encourage, right? To be honest, I’m a little disappointed that my kids don’t want to do Postcrossing!


I agree. I write to all children, no matter how young, as though they’re reasonably intelligent adults. If they’re so young that they can’t read themselves, their parent (or other adult who is helping them) will be able to explain my message to them.


I personally like writing to kids and think it’s wonderful when they show an interest in participating in this project but then again I have 4 of my own. I think an indicator of some sort would be nice though so others are aware that it’s a minor.