Keeping getting the same countries (sending and receiving)

I’ve been getting Russian cards this week that were written on Halloween. There’s definitely a delay somewhere along the way.


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There is always hope! Yours will make it in these days!

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If you want to get a more varied list of countries, you might want to consider Tags or RRs. Also as @TwasBrillig suggested you may wish to mail at different times of the day. When I used to do official Postcrossing, I would request addresses before 12:00 PM EST here. More than 90% of the addresses I got were from European members. Just peachy :smiley:


I’d be very much offended if my existence in postcrossing was called “depressing”. This is not going to change so if the country list is more important to you than interacting with unique individuals, then perhaps it’s time for a break or for something else.
Yes, a change is nice (I’m not doing repeated countries right now and having variety is a crazy novelty) but it shouldn’t be that important… Especially because there’s literally no way to change this.

If you enabled sending to your own country, you’d get Germany too, but since that’s the most frequent country, it would add to the “depression” I guess…


As far as I know, there’s only one thing you can do about it:
If you have already several cards travelling to e.g. Russia and the USA, the programm (honestly!) tries to pick an address from another country for you. So if it still gives you yet another one from those countries, that means there are no other countries available at the moment. So in this situation don’t draw another address - but wait for a few hours! Things might change over time :slight_smile:


You have to look at the bigger picture now - you’ve been on Postcrossing for a year and have sent & received cards from 34 different countries. That’s a pretty good variety for your 1st year.

I had only received cards from 25 different countries & sent to 28 in my first year. Now at the 2 1/2 year mark, I’ve sent to 49 different countries.

And yes, we will get lots of the US, Germany & for some, Russia, because they have the biggest number of members in the system. That’s just the way it is given those numbers & the algorithm.

And the mail sanctions on Russia from some countries because of their invasion of the Ukraine have also affected the algorithm significantly too.

I’d suggest you be active on the Forum in swaps, lotteries, tags etc to broaden which countries you can send to & receive cards from - I’ve done that a lot & had plenty of fun doing it.



There are so many others who complain about all the German addresses, you’re part of these “not wanted” Germans!

Look at the stats of the most active Postcrossers, all of them haven’t send cards to all countries.

Postcrossing is about connecting people and not collecting countries. I send to individuals and not to countries. Though!


Perhaps it might be less depressing for you to do a bit of research about the area where “all those Americans” live? Channel your “depression” into creating messages like “I see you’re near St. Louis, the Gateway Arch looks very impressive!” or “Do you go to Cleveland often? The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame would be really interesting to visit.” Or, they live in a remote area, but read a lot, surely, you must have read a book recently you were excited about enough to share?

Just a thought …


Can confirm. 41% of my expired postcards are traveling to Russia. As a consequence, Postcrossing understandably has not assigned any Russian address to me since the beginning of November.
(Note: I’m located in Moldova.)


Hi @cliffside,

What’s Tags and RRs. I do not know these…

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It’s not the individual person but the fact that I’m sending most postcards either to the US or Russia that I find depressing.

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@grizzabella It sure can be depressing to have to send postcards to Germany all the time. It is not about the country itself (whichever it is), but the missing variety.

Hello @Mona_Berlin

Tags and Round Robins (RRs) are activities that occur off the Official Site on the Forum side of Postcrossing.

■ How to Tag

Most of the tags work like this:
You send a postcard to the person above you.
Tag the last person in the thread by writing ‘tag @username’.
Send them a PM (personal message) asking for their address.
Write and send the card.

Follow this link to read about Round Robins:


most of it has been said already and there are many, many discussions already about this topic on the forum.
but postcrossing is about connecting with other people. if you see it as collecting countries this might not be the right hobby for you. or you should at least take a break, as hobbies aren’t meant to be dull and depressing.


Thanks @cliffside

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But that are two very BIG countries! I am from the Netherlands, we are a flea compared to them and so are there a lot of countries.
I draw a lot of Germany, USA and Russia, but every profile is different. It does not matter to me what countryname I have to write. It is the person, card and message that matters. And the advantage of Germany is that cards sometimes are delivered faster than my christmas cards in the Netherlands in december. And my German has not been this good for years :wink:.
Happy postcrossing!


It’s been changing in the past 17 years and yes the topic has been discussed for 17 years. There were years when Finland was the most common sent and received country in the list, then Germany or USA. It all depends on the number of Postcrossers living in certain areas and most recently on political situation in some of them :slight_smile: I have been sending cards (not that many) for 17 years and it has always been great fun + I love all my 196 cards received from Finland.


And I started doing postcrossing when Finland was already closed to us. And that makes me a little sad. You have, in my opinion, the most interesting postcards.


If you want to exchange cards with other countries, I suggest you do more private swaps. It’s always a great possibility to get some extra cards from “more exotic” countries. :smiley: