Keep my badge

Hi, not sure if it’s true, but will I lose my WPD thus year if I don’t send a postcard on the day, which is then registered in time?

I think this is wrong! Sorry, but I earnt that badge and would like to keep it please. I don’t see why I have to take part every year to keep the badge, after all if I ran the London marathon I’d get a medal for that and get to keep it and not have to run it year upon year in order to keep the first medal I earnt. lol

I do hope then I get to keep my WPD badge this year even if I don’t send a postcard on the day. Thank you.

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You will keep the badge no matter if you send a card this year or not.

thats what Ana said on the Discord server about the WPD Badge


Is this really so so important???


Not now, that I know it’s staying… lol :slight_smile: Thanks.


Glad to read you are keeping it and are happy… But what is a WPD?

World Postcard Day :smiley: (October 1st)


If you send an official card on that day and people save some spots if they can just to do that, then you get the World Postcard Day badge on your profile on the website.

Postcrossing has held a design contest last year & this year to design a card just for this day, but you can use it anytime.

And any official card sent, not just the special one counts for the badge on WPD.


@LC-Canada @Wolfsmondfee
Thank you.


Here’s the link announcing this year’s design winners - people get the postcard printed locally or through an online service and then they’re good to go!


Thank you @LC-Canada for letting @Crystalinne know that WPD is World Postcard Day. :slight_smile: All the best all… :slight_smile:

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I like the idea of a number beside the badge, so you can see how many years of participation


Make sure that the ‘day’ is 0:00 UTC time. Those in time zones that are ahead of UTC for example (where I live is +9:30) need to wait on that date before requesting ID’s if they want to get the badge.
(This is after my mid morning for example for my location).

Check your time zones and wait until it is after 00:00 UTC for your location.


I’d say the special card is best used around WPD, maybe +/- a week. Just like cards for Valentines, New Years Eve, Thanksgiving, Northern summer solstice or birthdays are mainly sent around those dates.


Many, many of us used it for the rest of the year eh? It was a great design.

And remember lots of us didn’t get to send a card that day because we didn’t have slots open or even knew it was an event for Postcrossing or had access to the card.

I never knew there was a card til after the event because the old Forum wasn’t super easy to use for me as a newer member. It wasn’t until the new Forum got going at the end of Oct that it was much easier to find out about events like that.


The badge looks like this:

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I practically live on this website/forum and the whole thing passed me by last year :joy:

I’m still not so fussed myself, if I happen to really want to send on that day I will, if not I won’t.

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This thread got me curious to see whether or not I had the badge. i knew there were badges, but never paid much attention to them. So i looked ta my profile and then at the badges tab, and saw that i don’t have it. Except, as it turns out, that is not where it is published. i started that search here, so i looked at the forum badges. It turns out the “WPD” and “Supporter” badges are on your postcrossing profile page on the main site, not here in the forum site. So i do have it. Whoopee i guess. Personally, i just can’t seem to get too excited about a bunch of pixels.

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No need to send a WPD postcard to get the WPD badge. All postcards counts!


Sorry to be so late to the party, but the only thing needed to get the badge is to pull the addresses on October 1st and once the pulled cards are registered, one gets the profile badge? I stupidly pulled them yesterday! Lol. Ok, there’s always next year… :slight_smile:

You still have time to qualify for the badge, as long as you haven’t reached your limit on official cards. You have until midnight in your time zone.

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