Kansai Stamp Show 2024 Meetup in Osaka City, Japan (& 大阪切手まつり) 27 th July 2024 Saturday 2024年 7月 27日 (土)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Osaka City, Japan 大阪市内の天満橋駅付近
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: in front of LAWSON that is on the left side after you go through the ticket gate of Exit 1 at Temmabashi Station (Osaka Metro). 天満橋駅(大阪メトロ) の1番出口の改札を出てすぐ左にある LAWSON ローソンの前にて
:calendar: DATE: 27 th July 2024 Saturday 2024年7月27日 (土)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 AM ~ 16:00 頃まで
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Quick brunch at the cafe, attending at the stamp show together and do the nice postage stamp hunt ! :slight_smile:

Hello :wave:

I am planning to go to the Kansai Stamp Show 2024 on 27 th July, Saturday, and I am wondering if any of you would like to go there with me. :slight_smile:

Firstly, we meet in front of LAWSON convenient store that is on the left side after you go through the ticket gate of Exit 1 at Temmabashi Station (Osaka Metro). After that, we go to a place where we can have brunch at OMM building.

Since it will be difficult to find seats for more than 4 people at the cafe, the max of participants for this brunch meetup will be 4 people including myself :

  1. Clubpostcards
  2. mooseontheloose

But it will be also possible to meet after 11:00 AM at the venue of OMM building, F and F2 Hall, so after 11:00 AM, more people than the above 4 people are welcome to join us later.

If any of you would like to join us (at 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM), please feel free to post under this thread and/or message me directly and let me know. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to meeting you and for a nice postage stamp hunt together !

PS :
We will not create signed meetup cards at this meetup. Thank you for understanding.

皆さん、こんにちは :wave:

7月27日 (土) にある関西スタンプ・ショウ 2024 (& 大阪切手まつり)にご一緒に行きませんか?

11:00 AM から始まりますので、1時間前の 10:00 AM に天満橋駅 (大阪メトロ) の1番出口の改札を出てすぐ左にある LAWSON ローソンで待ち合わせをして、その後、会場がある OMMビルにあるカフェなどでご一緒にブランチをしましょう!

席の確保が難しいかもなので、ブランチ meetup は 私を含めて 4名までとします。

1 clubpostcards
2 mooseontheloose

ですが、11:00 AM に会場である、F ・F 2 ホール にて皆さんでお会いすることも可能ですので、上記の4名の枠から外れてしまっていても、スタンプ・ショウの会場で直接 (計4名以上の)皆さんでお会いすることも可能です。

もしご参加ご希望でしたら、このスレッ上にてお知らせくださるか、または、私宛にメッセージをお願いいたします。その際、10時のブランチ meetup か、11時に会場にて直接お会いするかをお知らせください。

皆さんとお会いして 、素敵な切手探しをするのを楽しみにしております!

PS :

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

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Sign me up! I’m eager to see you again, and I definitely want to go to the stamp show!

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I am looking forward to seeing you again too :slight_smile: Which would you like, 10 AM brunch meet or shall we meet at 11 AM at the venue ?

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I’m okay with either one. If we choose to meet at 11 a.m. at the venue, we could always go for coffee or a snack after we are done at the show… :wink:

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i put you in the list of 10 am brunch but if you decide you would rather meet at 11 am at the venue, please let me know.

Can you seem to make it to OMM builiding OMM ビル in Temmabashi Station ? That is where we were for the previous Stamp Show after the meetup.

And sure, I can have tea with you and anyone who has time after this Stamp Show meetup :slight_smile:

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10 am is fine with me! No worries! It’s actually better to meet before so I don’t get lost on the way to OMM.

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Are you taking Osaka Metro or Keihan Line to get to Temmabashi Station ? If you are taking Osaka Metro, we can perhaps meet somewhere around Exit 1.

I will go and check at Temmabashi Station where is better to meet around Exit 1 perhaps this weekend or next weekend, and I will let you all know beforehand.

It looks like OMM building is very close from the Exit 1 of Temmabashi Station, but I am really not familiar about around the station, so I will go and check.

At B2 floor of OMM building, there are cafes and eateries, and we were at one of the cafe there where we went after the previous Stamp Show, called Saint Marc Cafe サンマルクカフェ :slight_smile:

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So, today, after work, I went and check at Temmabashi Station (Osaka Metro).

There is LAWSON convenient store on the left side right after you go through the ticket gate ( 改札口 ), so perhaps we can meet in front of LAWSON ? :slight_smile:

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天満橋駅 (大阪メトロ) の 1番出口の改札を出てすぐの左側にローソン (LAWSON)がありますので、その前でお会いしましょう :slight_smile:

Sounds good!

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That is Exit 1 of Temmabashi Station and LAWSON very near to the ticket gate :slight_smile:

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@Junka008 さん

ではでは、現地で11 時頃にお会いしましょう! 楽しみですね :slightly_smiling_face:

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お気軽にご連絡ください :slight_smile:

@mooseontheloose さん
@Junka008 さん

Looking forward to seeing you two again tomorrow :slight_smile:

Let’s have a good time together!

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I’m looking forward to it!

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@mooseontheloose さん
@Junka008 さん

Thank you very much for coming to today’s stamp show meetup. I had a wonderful time with you. Looking forward to seeing you again somewhere somewhen :slight_smile:

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