Just wanted to say…

Dear Ukranian friends
I have been thinking about to write here and here I’m.
Firstly Slava Ukraine :ukraine: Слава Україні!
I hope you are doing okey. As a person who’s country got invaded in past and fought to take it back with all of its force I believe I’m understanding your pain, anger with all of my heart. It brokes my heart seeing all the horror happening in Ukraine,my heart fills with honor when I see Ukrainians still holding and fighting, I’m becoming mad when I see or heard of what putin’s soldiers doing at Ukraine and I’m being hopeful when I see how people of the world supports Ukraine in their own ways by fighting by placing tiles in r/place or with their prayers. I wish I could do more to help you but my heart will always in Ukraine and with its valiant, strong people. I believe Ukraine will prevail :ukraine:
Слава Україні! Героям слава! :yellow_heart::blue_heart:
I pray for all of your safety and victory of Ukraine.
My sincerely


Thank you very much, Bayankod :blue_heart::yellow_heart:

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Слава Україні :ukraine::blue_heart::yellow_heart:

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Thank you for such sincere words. I see how people from all over the world help Ukrainians, and I am very grateful for that :blue_heart::yellow_heart:
Слава Україні! :ukraine:

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Героям Слава🇺🇦

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