Just received a postcard with no ID number, but labeled “private swap”

I just got a postcard today with no ID number, but instead says “private swap” but with no address. What am I to do with it?

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If there is no ID or username on the card, you can only wait for the sender to contact you.
However, I wonder how the sender knows your address. :thinking:
Maybe you did agree to a private swap a long time ago and gave someone your address?

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Your profile was set “Interested in direct swap”.
Check your email history. Type “Postcrossing” in search column. All email from Postcrossing will appear.

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A private swap is just between the two people doing it, you don’t need to register it at the site and also the site is not responsible for the success of the swap. Do you remember agreeing to swap cards with someone? You must have given your address. If you don’t have already the address of the other person you should write a message(if you contacted through the forum) or email (if it was through the main site) or maybe it was from someone at the Facebook group if you are there too.
Best tip for swaps and tags is to keep a small notebook to keep score, what you are sending, what you are supposed to receive and address of destination. So you can check when the cards arrive and the swap is positively concluded

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No, you have to go to the main site and send a message from there. The message will be sent as an email to the receiver though.

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That is what I was thinking.

Hello Ron, you sent sets of 4 cards. Maybe someone sent you a return card, not just the one you put in the envelope.
Maybe it was even me? But I’m sure I always stamp my username on such direct swap cards.