Just Because - Smiles!

Hello everyone!

Recently I lost a friend, penpal and fellow Postcrosser. So in her memory, I would love to send out a card of smiles to anyone whom would like to receive one. She always knew how to make me, and everyone she talked to, smile.

Just post here!
If I don’t have your address, I will reach out for it.

I will send as many as I can, I think I have about 20 smiles or so. :blush:

Thank you!


I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s lovely to honour your friend like that! I’d love to send you a card as well, to put a smile on your face again. :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss
What a lovely gesture

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Oh Barbara, that is so sad. Your penpal sounded like she was a great person. I would love to receive a card and to hear all about her. I would also like to send one back, since she no longer can. I am sure she would have liked you to have smiles too. Please PM me your address. I am currently in New Zealand and returning to Australia later in the week. Happy to send one from which ever country you prefer.


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So sorry for your loss.

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I am sorry to hear about you lose.
Hope your friend Rests in Peace !

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Hope your friend is SMILING at you out there on the other side of the world, now eternally resting. Your gesture to send as many SMILING cards to everyone is truly appreciated. It shows the deep bond of friendship between the two of you goes beyond infinity.

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Hi, I am very sorry for your loss…

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such a sweet gesture. i could use a smile lately

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I’m so sorry for your loss.
Yes please I would love some smile.
Thank you :blossom:

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Hey I’m really for the lost , don’t worry you’ll make new friends that who can keep your smile :relaxed:

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Hello Barbara. I am sorry that you lost your friend. I’d like to receive a smile from you and also send you something back if you like.

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So thoughtful and kind. Thanks.

Sorry to hear of your loss. Penpals can become as close as family. Take care Barbara.

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My condolences. I can send you a smile also, and how about your penpal’s family?
Perhaps they also might like a card from someone who loves the same hobby as their lived one did? Might I ask whom this friend is? As a forum regular I wonder if I have exchanged cards with them before as well.

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So sorry to hear about your loss, Barb! I wish for peace for your friend, and this is a sweet, generous gesture to commemorate her :yellow_heart:

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Barbara, i am so very sorry for your loss i would love to receive a smile in there memory, i believe you have my address, i would love to send one back to you as well, but i do not have your address.
please give my condolences to her family for us as well :cry:

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I am sorry to hear about your loss. You’re keeping her memory alive by sharing smiles across the miles. Such a kind gesture! I am happy to receive one and mail you one in return. All the best. :four_leaf_clover:

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Would love to receive a smile postcard! Going through a losses myself. PM for address

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I’m sorry to hear that…
But I believe taht everything will be okay,it needs time,time is the best medicien to heal your mind :blush:

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Received card (12 Jan 2023) from @ellistrations:

Thank you very much for the lovely SMILE postcard with postage stamps. It’s a very touching written friendship message in memory of your departed friend. I really like the parachute card carrying tons of smiling logos. I send you a card in return as a token of my appreciation.

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