June 3,2022 TAIZHOU meeting in CHINA

:world_map: CITY: TAIZHOU
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: KFC, Taizhou jiaojiangdong business district
:calendar: DATE: june 3 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30-16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Eat crayfish together, then find a coffee shop to write postcards, and then send them out


  1. Huangyan tablet

Agriculture in Huangyan District is known as “Huangyan is ripe and Taizhou is sufficient”. Agriculture is mainly planted with rice and citrus. The specialty Huangyan tangerine is well-known at home and abroad. It is one of the ancestors of Citrus in the world. It has a long history of more than 2300 years. It was listed as a tribute in the Tang Dynasty. There are more than 180 varieties and strains, and it has the reputation of “hometown of Chinese tangerine”.

1.黄岩插画 作者:良尘(常驻站酷)


  1. Huang Yan illustrator: Liang Chen (resident station cool)

As a native, the author recorded the ever-changing Taizhou in his way. This illustration series has a total of nine pieces, all of which have selected representative landscape combinations from various places to dedicate to his hometown.

4. Cooking round
It is estimated that cooking dumplings are our unique food in Taizhou, also known as Xianyuan. Generally speaking, they can make vegetable stuffing and meat stuffing. Meat stuffing is pure meat with scallions. Meat, carrots, celery and shrimp can be added inside the vegetable stuffing. With soft and waxy skin outside, the meat is fragrant, full of oil but not greasy, and very tenacious

If you want to change the film, please contact us by email:173859992@qq.com