June 29, 2024 | Irvine, CA | Postal Worker Appreciation Day | Postmark Posse

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Ой, Капча!

Sorry for the late reply! Yes, this is the same spot. (The one you posted versus the one Oce posted are just from the back versus the front).


Hello! I would like to swap)()

Hi there! I would like to attend, is there any more spots left? Also, are there any more postcards available for purchase?


@Pyrah sent a DM!

We may still have a few extra cards available!

One day away and looking forward to seeing everyone! :raised_hands:t5::sparkles:

It’s been a little cooler than last weekend- Irvine is still set to hit a high of about 82F, so just a reminder to dress accordingly and remember to hydrate :smile::sunny:

Looks like the seating we have will have some shade as well :pray:t5::sparkles:

See you all soon!


Hi all! Here is some additional info to get to the location!

  1. Drive all the way to the end of Riparian View. Your path will be blocked by a gate. Turn left at the gate. You will see the entrance to the nature preserve.
  2. You may park in either the primary or overflow parking, just find a spot and take it.
  3. Once parked, make your way to the buildings. You should see signs. The benches are there and you will find us.


See you all tomorrow!

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Been meaning to write up a bit of a summary for folks attending for the first time - just had been a bit caught up lately :sweat_smile: Put something together on our site. Will likely add reference photos as well, but hope this helps:



I hate being late but unfortunately I’m going to be late today, sorry :disappointed: Don’t give away my cards!

I will be there and am very excited!

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No rush, drive safe - your cards are safe! :smile:

I’m at gate 1&13, not sure if I’m missing something since both gates are closed.

Sorry just saw this - someone is going to try to find you!

This is the location we are at if it helps :pray:t5::sparkles:

If you could head towards Campus and University dr is where the main entrance is

And thank you for hosting!! It was an amazing meet up! :mailbox:


Thanks for hosting and picking such a beautiful spot!



Thank you all again for coming! It really was wonderful, and I was so happy with the turnout for my first ever meetup that I’ve helped host! Big shoutout to @ohhsayy and @llmike007 for helping me along the way, I couldn’t have done it without them! I had so much fun meeting all of you, and I’m normally kinda shy, but everyone was so nice and kind, which is one of the things I love most about this community. Can’t wait to see you all at the next one!


:postcrossing::postcrossing::postcrossing: Also, we have quite a lot of meetup cards left!!! :postcard: :postcard: :postcard:

Please message me if you’d like to purchase some, and I can see about mailing them to you!


@pigeonpost such a great meetup and such a cool card design! :raised_hands:t5: Thank you for helping put all of this together and had a great time at such a nice location :smile::sparkles: Always great to catch up with everyone! And a big thank you to those that traveled out - hope to see y’all again soon!

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