June 29, 2024 | Irvine, CA | Postal Worker Appreciation Day | Postmark Posse

Hey there! If there are any cards leftover at the end of the event, I could try to mail you some! (It’s tricky to make sure everyone who attends has cards on the day of the meetup.)

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Will it be possible, if we prepay for our cards, to have them mailed to us before the event?



I look forward to joining this meetup and meeting new postcrossers and seeing friends there.


Hi everyone :wave:t2: this will be my first meetup. I’m excited to see what it’s all about and meet some faces behind the cards. I love receiving the meetup cards filled up with username stamps on them!


@SonaliS Thank you! Looking forward to folks making the journey to join us in OC! :smile:

@suegathman we’d be cutting it close on the delivery depending on when they arrive from the print shop, so it’s safest to say to expect them at the event! :sparkles:

@pyrexcollector Looking forward to having you at the event!

@CoffeeMomster Excited for your first meetup! Yes, it’s always nice to finally put a face to the names :smile:

For those that have been sending payment for reserves, I’ll be making a list of all the updates soon! :muscle:t5:


This will be my second meetup - as a newbie let me tell you the first one was overwhelming and overstimulating in the best possible way. To meet so many people who also geek out about stationery and creative endeavors was just so cool.

This is what I learned:

  1. My stamp was too big :laughing: (not a requirement but it helps!)
  2. People will drive incredible distances.
  3. Everyone was SO nice and helpful.
  4. The freebie table was like being a kid in a candy store!
  5. Postcrossing is wonderful but to meet people IRL really adds something special.

Can’t wait to meet everyone - the location is beautiful!


@goldenstatepc Is there anything I should bring? Or that you wish you would have thought to bring?


Hmmm… no I don’t think so. Maybe some fun pens or stickers for signing cards, any extra cards you don’t mind donating to the freebie pile…

Some people had a separate small journal that they would ask people to stamp or sign, as a way of remembering each meetup — which I LOVED.



Will start to keep track of reserves here! :smile: :sparkles:

Member Qty :receipt: :ballot_box_with_check:
1 @pigeonpost 30 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
2 @tianye4869 30 :dollar:
3 @onlyonemrabe82 20 :dollar:
4 @GoldenStatePC 10 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
5 @DW13 20 :bank: :white_check_mark:
6 @Suegathman 20 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
7 @ohhsayy 20 :iphone:
8 @Ehuuuuu 30 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
9 @SonaliS 20 :dollar:
10 @CoffeeMomster 10 :bank: :white_check_mark:
11 @angelcuevas 10 :dollar:
12 @Pyrexcollector 50 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
13 @mywrites2you 10 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
14 @Catandmouse 10 :dollar:
15 @gmansocal 10 :dollar:
16 @kanosis 30 :dollar:
17 @irenemg 20 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
18 @wenchan91 20 :iphone: :white_check_mark:
:iphone: Venmo
:bank: Zelle
:dollar: Cash
:white_check_mark: Received

Just registered. Glad I logged in and checked. Got it in just under the wire. Looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new friends. Currently, have been enjoying some Postmark Posse get togethers. - Guillermo (Gmansocal)


Hi everyone!

Is there room for one more?


Hey there! We got your response on the form, so you’re in!

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Hi all, the form has now been closed! It was supposed to be closed Friday night, but I didn’t have access to my laptop until now, so it’s closed now. @ohhsayy and I based our card order on the responses we’ve got so far, since there’s a deadline to order cards by.

However, we may still have some cards available to reserve and we definitely have some spots open for attendance still. Please feel free to comment in this thread if you’d like to join us, and we can see what we have left!


Hi! Can I be put on the “what may be left” list? Thank you! I’d still like to join.


oh NOOO why didn’t I find the post earlier! I am interested in joining if there are any will-call / waitlist spots :slight_smile:


@gmansocal @kanosis @irenemg @wenchan91 All the reserves have been updated :muscle:t5: :sparkles:Glad to have you at the event and looking forwards to seeing everyone soon! :calendar:


One week away!! So excited!
I was on Yelp and I was just curious if this is going to be our meetup spot.


That’s so awesome Irvine is having a meetup! I visited my relatives there back in December (and for two months years ago) and had a great time especially with the trails to UCI’s campus. My own suburb is really similar to Irvine as in zoning rules and cuisine, but 1/2 of the population.

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Woo! :calendar: it looks like it, but I think we’re aiming at a slightly different spot. This is the reference photo we have:

Will try to confirm like a little map soon!