June 22, 2024 | Raleigh, NC | Summerween Meetup🍓

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Raleigh, NC
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: NE Raleigh Library

14401 Green Elm Ln
Raleigh, NC 27614

:calendar: DATE: June 22, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9:00 AM -11:30 AM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Let’s celebrate Summerween! :full_moon_with_face::ghost::strawberry::sparkles:
As Gruncle Stan said, “The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year”.

:ghost: I will be bringing postcards I designed for us to sign/stamp our names! I hope you get your personalized stamps ready! Please bring an ink pad of your own if you have a stamp. I’ll provide pens so we can sign each other’s cards.

:ghost: Please only RSVP if you can guarantee attendance. The library is big, but there will be other events occurring. I would like to respect everyone else utilizing the location.

:ghost: I’ll have a box set aside for anyone who will want to swap cards🫶🏼:strawberry::sparkles:

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.
((EDITED: Removed Postcrossing logo to stay within guidelines))

Front of card:

Back of card:


Show me your custom stamps!
Here’s mine :full_moon_with_face::tulip::sparkles:


Oh wow! I live in CA and will not be able to attend unfortunately, but I absolutely love Halloween and Gravity Falls and would love one of these meetup cards after the event if someone is willing to swap with me. :smiley:

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DM me your offers 🫶🏼

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I’ll do that ASAP. Thank you! :blush:

I would like to attend this meetup. Is there still room? I am brand new to postcrossing so I am not familiar yet with all the things. Is it safe to assume, I should bring postcards of my own if i want to trade or ?? How does a meetup work?

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Hi and welcome! There’s still room! You can bring postcards to swap, but I will be giving the design I posted above :smile:🩷:sparkles:

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So glad to see a round hosted by ya! Hard Core Sign me up homie :sunglasses:

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Yay! I’m excited to see you there! :smile::ghost::strawberry::sparkles:


Love to attend. Hope there is still room.

You can email me at TerriGreenberg@outlook.com

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Plenty of room left! Glad you’re joining and I look forward to seeing you there!

Hi! I’d love to sign up if there’s room available!!

Yes! The more, the merrier! :smile:

When we get there on Saturday, do you know where we should look for you or will you let us know day of wgere you will be?

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Darn it, hate to miss this meet up, out of town! Have FUN!!

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I will let the front desk know and they should be able to assist you :tulip::sparkles:

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HI. would like to attend if there is still room.

Hi! Yes! Including yourself, there will be 9 people in attendance (if everyone shows up!)