June 2, 2024 Pullen Park Carousel, Raleigh NC

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Raleigh, NC
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Pullen Park Carousel Pavilion, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh (adjacent to the carousel building)
:calendar: DATE: Sunday June 2, 2024 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE CORRECT DATE. For some reason, the forum resets my date to one day earlier!)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm eastern time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Free admission to Pullen Park, along with free parking. We’ll meet in the carousel pavilion which is adjacent to the carousel itself. The park opens at 10 and closes at 6, so there will be plenty of time to ride the ponies (and other animals!), paddle around in the swan boats, or ride the train (all of which do require tickets). There is a snack concession, but you can bring your own picnic (there ARE tables in the pavilion).

Bring your addresses and sufficient postage, favorite writing instruments, stickers or stamps for signing your name. Each attendee receives a packet of 6 postcards (free of charge) featuring a carousel critter.

If you are interested in attending, please email to NCPCMeetup@gmail.com
:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


I’m interested and I’ve emailed that link. It will be my first in person meetup.

HI, I am interested in attending this meetup for a little while before I have to head to work.

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I’ll be there!!!

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Are we able to buy extra meetup cards?

Hello I sent an email…I’m joining in
Thanks so much
See you there


Details sent to your email, but just in case:

The Raleigh meetup is a go…

MEETUP PLACE: Pullen Park Carousel Pavilion, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh (adjacent to the carousel building)
DATE: Sunday June 2, 2024
TIME: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm eastern time
MEETUP PLAN: Free admission to Pullen Park, along with free parking. We’ll meet in the carousel pavilion which is adjacent to the carousel itself. The park opens at 10 and closes at 6, so there will be plenty of time to ride the ponies (and other animals!), paddle around in the swan boats, or ride the train (all of which do require tickets). There is a snack concession, but you can bring your own picnic (there ARE tables in the pavilion).
Bring your addresses and sufficient postage, favorite writing instruments, stickers or stamps for signing your name. Each attendee receives a packet of 6 postcards (free of charge) featuring a carousel critter. (There will likely be more postcards than we need, but let’s start with 6 each.
Terri G


Details here, just in case they get lost somehow. We’ll each start with 6 cards, but there will very likely be more to share (at no cost).

The Raleigh meetup is a go…

Just in case the details are hard to find on Postcrossing, here they are:

MEETUP PLACE: Pullen Park Carousel Pavilion, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh (adjacent to the carousel building)
DATE: Sunday June 2, 2024
TIME: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm eastern time
MEETUP PLAN: Free admission to Pullen Park, along with free parking. We’ll meet in the carousel pavilion which is adjacent to the carousel itself. The park opens at 10 and closes at 6, so there will be plenty of time to ride the ponies (and other animals!), paddle around in the swan boats, or ride the train (all of which do require tickets). There is a snack concession, but you can bring your own picnic (there ARE tables in the pavilion).
Bring your addresses and sufficient postage, favorite writing instruments, stickers or stamps for signing your name. Each attendee receives a packet of 6 postcards (free of charge) featuring a carousel critter. (There will likely be more postcards than we need, but let’s start with 6 each.
Terri G



The details are here, but just in case…

The Raleigh meetup is a go…

Just in case the details are hard to find on Postcrossing, here they are:

MEETUP PLACE: Pullen Park Carousel Pavilion, 520 Ashe Ave, Raleigh (adjacent to the carousel building)
DATE: Sunday June 2, 2024
TIME: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm eastern time
MEETUP PLAN: Free admission to Pullen Park, along with free parking. We’ll meet in the carousel pavilion which is adjacent to the carousel itself. The park opens at 10 and closes at 6, so there will be plenty of time to ride the ponies (and other animals!), paddle around in the swan boats, or ride the train (all of which do require tickets). There is a snack concession, but you can bring your own picnic (there ARE tables in the pavilion).
Bring your addresses and sufficient postage, favorite writing instruments, stickers or stamps for signing your name. Each attendee receives a packet of 6 postcards (free of charge) featuring a carousel critter. (There will likely be more postcards than we need, but let’s start with 6 each.
Terri G

Looking forward to attending!

Sent an email to the email address.

See y’all there :grin:

Sent you an email! I hope it isn’t too late to join :smile:

I’m not able to come today. Sorry to miss it. Could someone please send me one of the meetup cards please?

Sure. Send your address to the ncpcmu address

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Had a great time today…Thanks so much for including me
It was great meeting everyone

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Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event! Nice meeting everyone!