June 15, 2024 - San Francisco, CA Meetup

I would like to reserve 10 cards please.

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Hello, I’d like to place in an order for 20 postcards please :slight_smile:

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I’m going to tentatively plan on going, don’t know what my schedule looks like yet that weekend but would love to attend! I’ll get back to you on number of cards :smiling_face:

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Hi i would like to have 30 postcards please , i will be paying in cash ok , looking forward to it :slight_smile:

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It’s been quite a long time since my last meetup in the bay area. I’ll be there this time! I’d like to reserve 30 cards. Thank you!


I’ll be there! This will be my first ever meetup :smiley: I’d also love 20 cards please, and can pay via Venmo!


Hello - I’ll take 30 cards, please - I will Venmo you - Laura

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Hello - When I went to Venmo to pay you, I was asked for your phone number as verification - can you request a payment from me - ? - thanks, Laura

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Sure! You can send payment without verifying the phone number but I will send you a request from payment. Thanks!

Hi I would like to reserve 20 cards please and I can pay by venmo. Looking forward to the meetup!

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Hello I would like to purchase 15 cards through Venmo. :slight_smile:

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@postcardingwithsuz Hi Suz! Thanks so much for putting on this event, being in SF will be a welcome relief from this desert heat! :cactus: :sun_with_face:
Plus, I’m excited to see everyone again.
Please feel free to put me down for 30 cards, and I will Venmo/ Zelle you.
Thank you!!


Heyo! I’d like 20 cards please and will pay by venmo. Thanks a bunch for setting this all up!

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I would like to order 40 and will pay in cash.

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Ok! I’m going to plan to be there! Going to make a weekend trip of it, so my husband may hangout unless he finds something to entertain himself at the mall haha.

May I request 15 cards? I can pay by PayPal or Venmo. Thanks, Susan! Looking forward to it :grin:

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Sounds great! I would like 10 cards and can do Paypal.

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hello, someone would swap with me?

I want 10 postcards and will pay via Venmo

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Aww that’s such a cute postcard! I love it :heart::smiling_face: I would love to have it, ofc in a swap! :heart: Have a great time ya all :heart::smiling_face:

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Wish that I could make it. I had so much fun at the Bellingame meetup. Enjoy!