July 29, 2023 - Ingersoll, Ontario

:world_map: Ingersoll, Ontario
:pushpin: Ingersoll Library 130 Oxford St, Ingersoll ON N5C2V5
:alarm_clock: July 29, 2023 11:00 AM until 3 PM EDT
:page_facing_up: Our “sometimes” Annual Meet-up (We missed during Covid).
Just a friendly get together with other postcrossers. Meet, greet, eat, catchup with friends and make new friends as well. There will be postcards to sign and a lottery or two. We usually have a trading session. Bring a few cards and see what others have to trade or share.

More details and a card design to follow.

@lyndac - Lynda
@shelopolis - Shelley
@pumpkinpussycat - Donna
@alidam2 - Alida
@pickles4u2 - Elle
@keldar5 - Michelle
@Unicorn11 - Tracey
@SugarBooger- Jona
@WestEndGirl - Lindsay
@Dragonflymama - Deanna
@Kittygirl - Avery
@Lolafiona - Fiona
@RosieT1 - Roseanne
@an-asta-sia - Asta
@Terry336 - Terry
@Kitxel - Shiar + one
@chuaner Chuan

This is the main card. I will be charging 35 cents per card. There will also be 2 fun cards that people can order. The Fun Cards are in the comments.


I would :heart: to come!
Thank you for hosting Lyndađź’Ś
@Krzysiab would you like to join me?

Great! The more the merrier. 6 have joined on Facebook.

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Looking forward to meeting you in Ingersoll on the 29th.

Windsor on the long weekend is not for me. It is not the distance. It is that particular weekend!

Janine Rose

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welcome. Glad you can make it

I would like to order the cards early next week. Please let me know how many you would like

Fiona Martin and I decide to design a fun card. We each designed one and I will order a minimum number of cards unless someone really wants more. If you would like a few of either the blue or yellow let me know. They are honouring Ingersoll’s Cheese poet (Didn’t know we had one did you?)


Linda and Fiona, you two are a hoot​:cheese::smile:


My husband and I will be attending! This is my first time going to a postcard meet up! Does anyone have anything that I should know? (Example: what postcards to bring, should I bring food?, where does the group set up?) Anything helps! Thanks! Hope to see you there :relaxed:

Happy Postcrossing!

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Hello Shiar
Welcome to your first meetup!

  1. You can bring your own cards if you wish or there are 3 different cards available (See above). They are 35 cents each. You can order some of each or which ever ones you like. Everyone at the meet-up signs everyone else’s cards.
  2. This is a bring your own lunch (or buy it local we have restaurants in town). I will supply snacks, water tea & coffee or you can bring a non-alcoholic beverage with you.
  3. We are setting up in the library activity room. It is not a big space but it is cozy so you get to meet everyone who comes.
  4. Park across the street in the Municipal lot (free) as the farmers market is in the Library parking lot in the morning.
  5. Some people will bring extra cards they have to trade. It’s a fun thing. If you buy a postcard box of 50 flower cards do you want all fifty? So bring a few for trade.
    If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Your Host.

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For anyone not coming and wants a card, let me know! Send me your address and I will send you whichever ones you’d like. (Any or all!)

Also please note that if you bring stamps so your postcards can be mailed on Monday, they will be postmarked with the Cheese Museum postmark. I usually make up labels so I can stick them on and they are ready to mail.


What a GREAT Cancellation Stamp Lynda‼️

Hi there,

I’m new here. May I know how I could sign up for this event?Thanks so much!

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You just let me know that you wish to come and I add you to the list. Do you want to preorder cards?

How did your MeetUp turn out Lynda?

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18 people showed up. We had a great meeting. Around 500 cards signed. Everyone seemed to have a good time.


Wow! That’s alot of Postcrossers!!
What a successful MeetUp.

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A cheese postcard, with a special cheese museum cancellation, from this meetup arrived today. Thank you very much @lyndac and everyone who signed it!

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You got one too @Norway_girl ? So did I! From @shelopolis et all :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face: I loved it :cheese: