July 23, 2022. Zhengzhou Postcrossing and Postcard Community 19th Meetup

:world_map: PROVINCE: Henan
:world_map: CITY: Zhengzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: No. 115-116 Jianshe West Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhongyuan Branch of Zhengzhou Philatelic Association (2nd Floor, China Post, Southeast Corner)
:calendar: DATE: July 23, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9:30-17:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
①9:30-10:50:The president of Zhengzhou Philatelic Association delivered a speech and Q&A session.
②10:50-11:30:Postcard community organizers and representatives speak and Q&A session.
③11:30(After):Meetup session.
④13:30-17:30 :Meetup session.

Remark:This meetup event is held in cooperation with Zhengzhou Philatelic Association. If you are willing to attend, please arrive on time.Please don’t forget to bring a pen or a personal seal!

If you have not joined our community, but are very interested in postcards or stamp collecting, please leave us a message on this website, or leave us a message through the following social media or email, we will reply you as soon as we see it.

If you like our postcards, please leave us a message and we will reply as soon as possible. On the back of the postcard are seals of friends who came to participate.Or you can also exchange postcards with us in the following ways.

Thank you all for your support. Haapy Postcrossing!

Below is the postcards of our meetup

Below are our commemorative envelopes and time-limited commemorative postmark available for post office use

And a brand new community seal:

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Unfortunately the white border around the Postcrossing logo is deemed to be an alteration to the logo and so is not approved.

See the User Manual https://static1.postcrossing.com/images/logos/Postcrossing-Logo-Kit.zip?v=20210826 in the current Logo User Kit (page 3) for margins around the logo and other elements etc.


OK, thanks for reminding. I have made changes.

Hello! I would be glad to swap with you for one of these cards

I will be glad to exchange ))