July 15, 2023 - Astrological meet up Zodiac signs - Saint Petersburg

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint Petersburg, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Internationalist’s park, Prospekt Slavy metro station
:calendar: DATE: July 15, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 - 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: I’m pleased to invite you to an astrological meetup of postcrossers, who interested in Zodiac signs.

What awaits you at the event:

  • meeting with postcrossing friends,
  • meetup cards signing,
  • juice, lemonade, fruits,
  • lecture on astrology,
  • talking about zodiac signs,
  • picnic,
  • photoshoot,
  • and of course a lot of soulful conversations.

Meeting organizer pages: Aleksandra Ugarowa | VK
Саша с Ловцами | Посткроссинг | Организатор | VK


Буду рада обмену))

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Вк, пожалуйста)
Ссылочки у меня даны здесь :hugs:

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I would like to swap this card if someone like my meet up cards☺️