Ji'an meet up on June 1st 2023

:world_map: PROVINCE: Jilin
:world_map: CITY: Ji’an
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: No.107, building 313, liming street, KFC
:calendar: DATE: 01 June 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00-12:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: write cards.

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Wow so in advance :slight_smile: it would be cool to get such a postcard in the collection

Very beautiful postcard, I want an exchange
Postcards can be viewed here
Harry Potter Обмен Гарри Поттер – 138 Bilder | VK
Movies / cartoons / series Обмен:фильмы/мультфильмы/сериалы – 49 Bilder | VK
General exchange Обмен общий – 136 Bilder | VK
Vladivostok and lighthouses Обмен: Владивосток и маяки – 22 Bilder | VK

Hello! I would like to swap, please)))

I’m from Belarus.
I would like to receive such a postcard.
Here is my exchange https://postcards.framework.by
Thank you.

I would like to receive such a postcard.
Here is my exchange https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ibTD/pcM4mMBEE
Thank you.