(Jan.26, 2024) Mandarin Phonetic Symbols Postage Stamps (III) Issue Meetup in Yilan, Taiwan

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Yilan City, Taiwan
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 宜蘭中山路郵局營業廳 (Yilan Zhongshan Road Post Office
No. 130, Section 3, Zhongshan Road, Yilan City, Yilan County)
:calendar: DATE: 2024.1.26
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9:00~10:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Meetup Time: 9:00~10:00
Temporary Post Office Time: 9:00~12:00

In this meetup, we can sign and stamp the meetup postcards, chat with other participants.
Participation fees: NT.150 (for 15 meetup postcards’ design fee and printing fee, other pay for yourself)
After meetup, we can sent in the temporary post office with a “Mandarin Phonetic Symbols Postage Stamps (III) Issue” special postmark.

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I’m here at 宜蘭中山路郵局營業廳. Where is everyone? @Lily_in_Taiwan

Hello @bluenote, I set off from Taipei City to Yilan. There was a traffic jam on the way, so I am still waiting for the bus at Yilan transfer station. See you later!