Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. June, 15th, 2024 meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Ivano-Frankivsk
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: PromPrylad, Foodoteka м, Ukrainskoi Peremohy St, 23, Ivano-Frankivsk
:calendar: DATE: June, 15th
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 - 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

  • Meet inside 11:00 (you will see us by postcrossing-related balloons)
  • lotteries and small-talk: grab coffee, food and sit to enjoy!
  • 12:00 signing cards
  • 13:30 lotteries and small lectures
  • 14:30 we will go to send cards together
  • 15:00 the end

To join and reserve cards please fill out the form https://forms.gle/8AExsZU31svCXU7d8
Card template and already direct order is here https://forms.gle/impfhssLzECczGf68
If you need to contact me, contact via User levittamara, from Ukraine

Attention: due to war times, please follow security bomb alerts’ notifications and proceed to the shelter. Your safety is your own responsibility!

Hugs, to everyone!


Привіт! Дуже радий що в ІФ відбудеться цей захід) :tada: Навіть не сподівався на таке, особливо після того як раніше переглянув статистику відправлення листівок з ІФ) :blush:

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Скажіть будь ласка чи є макет листівки вже?

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Ще нема, але в нас є художниця, яка буде малювати ближче до події :gift_heart:


Яка чудова новина. На жаль, я далеко від Івано-Франківська. Та все одно було б дуже приємно отримати листівку з зустрічі)


Hello everyone! Added the direct card order form here https://forms.gle/impfhssLzECczGf68
Only for meetup participants!

Guys! Postcards are only on a preorder. The event is an open one however organizers are not able to print postcards without knowing the amount.
Also, please consider your own security

Guys! 2 last days to order a card for an event! If you are going to come, please, feel free to submit the form!

Just received my card from this meetup. Sure wish I could have attended!

I received a card from this meetup! Thanks so much for including me! :star_struck: