IT'S HAPPENING! Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth, UK Meetup Saturday 1st April 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Portsmouth, UK
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Spinnaker Tower, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, Hampshire
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 1st April 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00 / 1pm until 15:00 / 3pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meet at entrance to Spinnaker Tower. Go up the tower and take in the views. Then sign cards in the café at base of tower over coffee.

This location has good transport links just off of the M27 with a large car park, close to Portsmouth Harbour train station, the Hard bus interchange for local busses and National Express coaches and ferries to Isle of Wight, France and Spain.

N.B Have just been told there is a train strike on this day, but there are lots of other travel options that will be running as normal. If you’re near enough the £2 single bus fair is an option.

1 Tinymouse
2 JustJo (5 postcards)
3 Maddymail (10 postcards)
4 Charzevans (not able to attend)
5 Autumn123 (10 postcards)
6 Seaview (6 postcards)
7 JennyAssis (30 postcards)
8 SusChris
9 Chrisbonham11 (10 postcatds)
10 Pri (1 postcard)
11 Pri’s sister
12 Janis10 (35 Postcards)

IT’S HAPPENING!! Hurrah the proposed train strikes have been called off :slight_smile:


Sounds brilliant!! I need to request it off work but I will plan to come

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I have always wanted to go to the Spinnaker Tower, this sounds like a great meet up, do you realise there is a rail strike on that day?


I didn’t realise about the train strike although it feels like there is one everyday at the moment.

I’ll keep the scheduled day as there are still lots of other travel options including National Express coaches and the £2 single bus fairs.

Would you like your name added to the list?

I’ll look into other options of how to get there, I’ll let you know if I can make it.


Please add me to the list provisionally, I’d love to attend this meet-up, but not sure I’ll it make because of the trains :pensive:

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Have just read in the news that March and April rail strikes have been called off. :blush:


Urgh SWT Southwest trains who run one of the main train companies in Portsmouth have just sent me an email saying while one strike day is called off, they still plan to strike on 1st April. I don’t know about Southern trains…

Hello! Will you have an official meet-up postcard? If so, I’d love to swap :blush: I studied in Portsmouth for a year, so I’d be thrilled to receive a postcard from there! We are having a meet-up next week in Madrid. This is the postcard that we have designed. If you are interested un swapping, please send me a message. I hope you all have fun at the meet-up! :blossom:


I would love to attend. Brilliant location. I live locally so travel no problem.


Fantastic - I’m going to postpone the event so the most amount of people can make it, but I hope you can make the new date. We can decide between us which date will work.

Ok, happy to attend on the new date when it is decided.


The rail strikes by the Train Operating Companies has been called off/postponed,

So South Western Railway and Southern should run a full service?

Any chance of re-instating this meetup?


@Maddymail That’s fantastic news :slight_smile:

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Hi Lula,

The Portsmouth meetup was put on hold as there were due to be train strikes. Thankfully these have now been called off so plans for the meetup can start again. I’m planning on making a meetup card, fingers crossed it will be possible in time, but would love to swap meetup cards with you.

When were you at UoP? I studied there from 2009 to 2012 so we may have been students at the same time :slight_smile:

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Hello @TinyMouse! Thank you for your message :blush: I’m glad that the meet-up is still going to be held despiste the strike. I hope you guys have fun! Of course, I’d love to swap! Please let me know when you have your postcard so we can exchange adresses. I was an Erasmus student at Portsmouth back in 2016. I really liked the city and I’d love to go back un the future :crossed_fingers:t2:

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@TinyMouse Laura, please put my name down as attending if the MeetUp is reinstated?

Understand it might be tight to get a MeetUp card, but there is always the gift shop hopefully.

Smiles, seaview⛅

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Fab, @seaview I’ve added you to the list.

Yes, there is a gift shop at the Spinnaker Tower which sells postcards and depending how you are traveling to Portsmouth there is a great gift shop / tourist information located in the bus/coach station just outside the train station.

looking forward to meeting you next week


I and @anon59326037 will attend the meeting.

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@JennyAssis that’s fantastic news :heart_eyes_cat: Will be so good to finally meet in person :smiley:

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