Italy, Florence, 27th - 28th November 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Italy, Tuscany, Florence
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Piazza della Repubblica, old city center
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, November 27th / Sunday, November 28th 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10 am - 17 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: we will meet in front of the Poste Italiane Office in Via della Pellicceria where we can do some shopping at the Spazio Filatelico and buy many beautiful stamps (just on Saturday morning).
Then we will spend our time with a walk through the city, reaching the café/bistro where we’ll have lunch and spend our time signing piles of Postcrossing Meetup Postcards and getting involved in many other writing activities!!

:exclamation:Greenpass is required.
To reserve your place please contact me as soon as possible as participant number is restricted.
A small entrance fee is also required to book our table.

:love_letter:Bring your pens, stickers, stampers, washi tape, or anything else you use to decorate cards, letters, tn and enjoy youself.:love_letter:

We will also have a free/swap table where you can give away those cards you know you’ll never use or find the latest additions to your postcard stash.

:love_letter:We will have meetup cards for sale before the meeting.
These are the two postcard designs, if you’re interested in purchasing some of them (signed or blank) please contact me!


Hi! Nice cards! is someone interested in swap? I collect meet-up cards . Here are my cards for swap: на обмен – 467 Bilder | VK

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Thank you!

Если вы заинтересованы в обмене этих открыток, напишите мне🤩 буду рада обмену

Sorry but I can’t read in Russian…

love to swap your cards

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I will put you in our list, so someone interested could swap with you!!

ciao cyberpaola ti ho mandato un messaggio riguardante l’acquisto delle cartoline del Meet-up :smiley:

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Si cara, ti rispondo subito!!

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Hi, I would be happy to swap with you :smiley:
I can offer cards from the Meetup in Tübingen, Germany or find something from your wish-list.

Warm wishes,

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Si per favore qualcosa da italia per me una cartolina in busta con due francobolli italiani dentro andrebbe bene colezziono francobolli del mondo per il mio album . A cambio invierò qualcosa da Spagna .

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Hello everyone!
I really would like to swap for the meet up card. My offer Meet up (for swap) | or any cards from my albums Yuliya |


Очень хочу №1. Мой обменник:

Буду рада обмену

Ciao @cyberpaola a me piacerebbe partecipare e comprare qualche cartolina :slight_smile:

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Collecting postcards from meetings.
I’d love to receive yours.

My exchangers are here:

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Ad una settimana esatta dal Meetup, chiudo le adesioni :blush::blush::blush:

Saremo davvero tantissimi!

A presto e avrete notizie da Firenze!!