Isle of Wight Meetup SATURDAY 10th AUGUST 2024

How did the hunt to look for a good place for writing postcards go @TinyMouse Laura go?

I hope if you found a location outside that has shade?
I’m not able to sit in the sun, as I overheat. But can sit outside with some shade.

Smiles Seaview :partly_sunny:

In the end I didn’t venture into Sandown so research is purely internet based but let’s go to The Beach Cafe.

It’s indoors, but with beach and pier views and has good reviews on TripAdvisor.

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Postcard design coming soon, but looking at prices to print they will be 30p each. Feel free to let me know how many you would like (or wait until you see the design). :smiley:

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Looking forward to seeing the design

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Hello, dear postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful card.
My offers:

Have fun at the meetup and thank you in advance.

Could I have 10 please :postcrossing:

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of course :slight_smile:

welcome @Gisgeis any questions just ask :grinning:

Hi, thank you for inviting me. I am also living on the island. Any place related questions just ask. Yes 10 meetup cards for me too. What time are we meeting?


We will meet at 1pm outside The National Poo Museum in Sandown,

The museum is on top the cliff, in the old toilets next to the (battery?? - the old fort)

Google Maps once tricked me into thinking it was on beach level… but it’s not :smiley:

@Bayrisches-Madl @seaview @RoFish How many of the meetup postcards would you like?

Please let me know by Thursday 18th July so I have time to get the postcards printed. :blush:

*These will be what we sign at the meetup, although the museum also makes their own fab postcards and local shops will have lots of Isle of Wight postcards.

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Thanks @TinyMouse Laura for organising the postcard desgin.
Please can you put me down for 10 postcards. I’ll bring the £3 cash.
Smiles, Seaview


Will do :slight_smile:

Just over 3.5 weeks until the meet up :smiley:


This is an example of the postcards they have at the museum. They had a few designs when I visited last year with different animals

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@TinyMouse , I’ll only take 5 meetup cards, please. I still have plenty of normal IoW postcards that I bought over the last few years.

Thank you for organising the cards and the meeting, my flight is booked and I am already looking forward to seeing you all


I’ve just seen some bad news on social media. The museum have decided to change their opening hours and is now only open Monday to Friday over the school holidays. :open_mouth:

The news is also on their website The National Poo Musuem (

Still processing what this means for our meetup - But will come back soon with some ideas. Luckily I didn’t include the museum on our meetup card!

@Maddymail and @seaview have you already booked travel / accommodation to Sandown?

@Bayrisches-Madl I know you were already traveling internationally to the IOW

@SimonGardner @RoFish @Gisgeis not missing you out but it looks like we have to think of a Plan B on the Isle of Wight :slight_smile:


@TinyMouse already booked accommodation for Sandown.

Maybe we can go around the gorge?


Love to swap

@TinyMouse - that is disappointing news about the Poo Museum, but I admire them for putting people before profits! In Sandown, there is Dinosaur Isle ( at the Eastern end of Sandown beach about 1.5 km away from the Poo Museum Or just a little further along the beach towards Yaverland is the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary (

There is a cafe (indoors) at Wildheart, but I don’t think there is one at Dinosaur Isle. You would need to look at the ticket prices. Wildheart closes at 3pm.

A future idea for a meetup, but not in the Sandown area, would be the Isle of Wight Postal Museum, run by our near-neighbour Arthur but maybe for another year?(Home))

Please let me know if you want to check out anywhere else for arrangements.
