Isle of Wight Meetup SATURDAY 10th AUGUST 2024

I can be flexible with a weekday or weekend, just as long as there is plenty of notice :slightly_smiling_face:


Fab! Letā€™s pick a day that works for all of us. I have some flexibility for weekdays but Mondays are usually the easiest for me if we decide to go on a weekday.

It says the museum is open everyday until the end of September.

A day that is likely to be sunny will be best as then the views across the beach will be amazing and we can make the most of their outdoor space for the meetup.

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For Mondays in June I can do the 24th?

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Iā€™ll have my suitcase with me but 24th June would work for me as Iā€™ll still be on the island :star_struck:

@Maddymail and @JennyAssis how does Monday 24th June work for you?

And of course others following the feed and hoping to come :blush:

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Would be possible a day trip?
Chris will be at school.

Hiya! I am away that week! I canā€™t do that day :disappointed:


Letā€™s wait for a day in the summer holidays. Then hopefully Chris (Jennyā€™s son) can come too.

Does anyone know how I can request the original date is taken off the meetup list for the UK? I definitely wouldnā€™t like anybody turning up by mistake


Hi @TinyMouse, I had a look at this on the Corfe meet-up when I was editing and it would not allow ā€˜no dateā€™ or a blank entry. So it doesnā€™t look possible that the date can be removed. Your TBC in the title is very clear though. Sorry I couldnā€™t help. My only other thought was maybe @moderator could do something with their extra access?? I am sure you thought of that though. :upside_down_face: XXX

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Thank you.

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Is it the moderator who notices and puts the meetups on the countries calendar?

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Hi @TinyMouse, obviously I have only done this once!! :nerd_face: But when I put the Corfe one on, I had to put it as U.K. so I just assumed from that that the system plopped it in the U.K. calendar automatically? :woman_shrugging:t3:

I did notice I had to put the U.K. time zone in, so assumed that was part of the system ensuring that the meet-up was in the right area on the system. :thinking::face_with_monocle:

Iā€™m not saying that I am right! :nerd_face: Itā€™s just all my assumptions from what I had to enter! That the system puts it in the right place in the calendar automatically from what is entered. :thinking::face_with_monocle::slightly_smiling_face:

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Date Change of Meetup, maybe @Mundoo can help :triangular_flag_on_post:


Are there any dates in Late July/August that would work well?

Iā€™ve created a poll, for the weekends in the school holidays (Sat, Sun and Mon), Please add your name and select the dates you can make.

Hereā€™s the link: Doodle

There are 15 options, so youā€™ll need to use the arrows to see all the dates :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve left off the Bank Holiday weekend in August as there is a large music festival in Portsmouth (Victorious).

Thank you for drawing my attention to the changes on this meeting.

I have removed it from the Postcrossing calendar and await a new date.

Postcrossing Team


As Iā€™ve been to the Isle of Wight years ago (and I loved it there) it would be great to receive a card from there or this meeting (or even both :blush:). I can SWAP with you cards from the meetups that Iā€™ve recently been to or from my region. Maybe I also have cards that you are collecting.
Many greetings from southern Bavaria (south of Munich, quite near to the Alps),

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Iā€™ve changed this to a generic Isle of Wight meetup - we may want to choose a meetup location nearer to Ryde as I think most of those whoā€™ve said they would like to go are traveling from the mainland.

Perhaps we could make the meet-up hovercraft themed? Linking the uniqueness of the hovercraft and the UNSESCO joy of Isle of Wight postcards.

Iā€™d love to come, mid August is a bit better for me than the beginning or end


Weā€™ve had our first response on the doodle poll. :grinning: Thanks @Bayrisches-Madl

For those interested in coming, please let me know which dayā€™s are best out of:

Sat 10th August
Sun 11th August
Monday 12th August

You can do this in the doodle poll Doodle