Is there a way to know why account was deleted?

I sent a card, but it was auto-registered in a week because of account closing, can I get to know the reason why account is closed or is it considered personal data or there is no such thing as indication of the reason for closure?

Hi Maksim,
I think this would be considered ā€œpersonal dataā€. Itā€™s always sad when someone leaves, but I always assume it is for their own happiness.


I think so too, itā€™s just sad because user had somewhere around hundred postcards and was active last months, there were no signs for closing at all. Postcrossing looks like a hobby with one of the biggest, at least visible, turnovers. So many people come an go, I was on hold for 4 years myself. :neutral_face:

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Iā€™ve come and gone myself, but have kept my account open so I could always come back. I know for me personally, it becomes a financial restraint at times or life gets in the way and I end up too busy.

Some people have a ā€œgoalā€ like they will send hundred/thousand cards, and then stop. And just for safety, they want to delete the account, and if they come back, they open a new one. (Safety so, that their address isnā€™t stored anywhere, and they might forget about it.)

I think its ALSWAYS personal when a person deletes his/her account in ANY forum.
Of course itā€™s sad for the ones who sent postcards which never get registrated by the received. I had this case twice that a card was registered automatically. Once the receiver had closed the account, once the receiver had changed adress. Especially the 2nd time was really sad, for it was one of my best cards, and it wasnā€™t sent to a country to which the cards take a long time to travel. Usually nobody changes adress THAT suddenly. I wished that both persons had set their accounts to inactive so that nobody would send them a card, but they didnā€™t.
But yes, I agree: reasona are always personal, and I do not bother about those reasons.

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The problem with making your account inactive is the fact that you canā€™t predict everything in life and sometimes postcards take a lot of time to reach final destination.
If someone makes their account inactive one month before moving or something like that, thereā€™s still possibility that postcard is still going to them from very far-away countriesā€¦
Itā€™s good and extremely useful, but not perfectā€¦

Just observing, not complaining.

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I actually like it when cards get registered automatically, because this way Iā€™ll get credit for the card I sent. It can still be that the card still arrives. For example with deleted accounts, the card will probably arrive anyway. With changed addresses, they could have a forwarding service, so itā€™s not impossible that the card will reach them and theyā€™re just being cautious. :slight_smile:


I hate to say this but it also happens that an account is closed because the owner passed away - happened to me last year and I only found out because I googled the name when the card expired. With the details given on the profile I found the obituary, dated shortly after I sent the card. The account was closed 6 months or so later and the card automatically registered.

Very, very sad.

So Iā€˜d actually prefer thinking the person whose account has been closed now has other interests and is happy with their life, than knowing something bad happened ā€¦


There are a variety of reasons: major illness, education or other life commitments, boredom, etc. Some people are short-timers; they are fascinated at first, but move on. As another member pointed out, members have died; I know of two such cases.


Complaints against users can sometimes result in their account being deleted, with travelling postcards involving them being automatically registered.

How can postcrossing know that a user passed away? There must be a family member who knows the accountā€™s password and makes the effort to close the account. I must say this seems to me possible, but very much unlikely.

I have given my passwords to my friend, or he knows where to find them or what is the ā€œcodeā€ behind them, mainly just in case something happens when I travel, he can read my mail and see photos, and also close my accounts if I die.

I find it very beautiful, that Postcrossing would be the hobby that follows me the rest of my life :slight_smile: especially if I die of old age.

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I guess the relatives closed down the account after some time - same youā€˜d do for E-mail or other social media accounts used by the deceased.

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Most often a family member or close friend gets in touch with Postcrossing. They donā€™t need to know the account password to send us a message through the Contact us button. They do not log into the account.



When a member changes their address on their account they are offered the option to register postcards already travelling to their previous address if they donā€™t have a way of retrieving them. If the member ticks that they want to register the incoming then they are all automatically registered.
