Is there a way to force an extra space?

Is there a way that I can force an extra space when posting in the new forum? I’m not sure if I’m explaining what I am asking very well, but I’ll try.

Sometimes I like to have 2 lines of space between groups of text instead of a single line spacing. So I should be able to press the ENTER button twice on the keyboard and make that happen. Well, it doesn't happen and I could press the ENTER button 20 times and I am still forced to have only a single space. Is there a way around this?

I like to make a clear break when there is a long text (in a RR, for example) and I can only use BOLD and ITALIC options so much before that also starts looking the same to me and doesn’t provide the clear separation that I’m looking for.


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You can use < br > (without the space between) in a single line to get an extra empty line :slight_smile:


You can put a # alone in a line once, then you have an extra blank line.

You can put a # alone in a line once, then you have an extra blank line.

You can put a # alone in a line once, then you have an extra blank line.


Good to know that # also works :+1:

It is written faster than your hint.

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You can also use a line separator, like this:

You can do this by writing this on a line of it’s own:



But only for max 2 lines, as you can see…

I inserted # on 7 lines but it comes out as only 2 blank lines…

Yes, that’s why I wrote

Thank you all for your speedy replies! I learned so much with a simple question and definitely feel a little more at ease with getting things to work how I would like to see them. You’re all awesome! :slight_smile: