Is there a way how to prevent the picture of the card you sent showing on your profile (wall)?

By the way, what do you mean with “racy card”?
It sounds like racism.

I have a lot of cards that I don’t like just because I try to keep a wide variety in order to fulfill the preferences of the recipients as much as possible. Given that, my sent wall is rather chaotic and eclectic and in many occasions has little, or even nothing, to do with my own preferences…


I didn’t know the term either, so I asked and and it says it’s something like “anstößig/gewagt” in German. So no racism like it seems.

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I tried Google Translator and it said “rassig”.

You are free to broaden your taste.

When I hear the term ‘Racy’ I think of a nude or sexually explicit postcard…
… Just from an English point of view.


As Maddymail correctly said, a “racy” card is nude or sexually explicit card. I would of course never send a racist card, even if someone would wish for that. I sincerely hope that such cards are not made, that would sound awful.


Thanks, that’s reassuring. It makes more than sense that the wall of sent topics might not really reflect a personal taste and rather the wishes of the recipients.

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Haha, I can relate to that. And while I’m not anyhow “prudent” or judgemental in real life or about it now, I was just wondering if I find some card for the recipient how that would seem on my profile. But, actually nobody probably pays that much attention to it anyway / people here seem to know it might not be a personal taste but rather a wish of the recipient.

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Fair enough, but I modelled my profile on first few profiles I saw here on this site. Many of them are on top of their country pages, that’s how I found them.


Yup, that actually makes a perfect sense. I guess my worry had also stem from other people seeing the send cards and maybe thinking that I like such cards myself.

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I would think that most people look at your profile and your wall of favorites to find out what you like. :wink: I know that when a profile is empty or gives very few clues about the user’s taste and they have no favorites, some senders will check the sent cards for some kind of guidance, but only as a last resort.

The cards in my sent wall say very little about the cards I like myself. I buy a wild mixture of cards I love and cards I know (or hope) others will like. Cards with dogs, Disney characters, Christmas cards all fall in the second category. But I am confident - and experience shows that I am right in thinking so - that people don’t generally use those cards as a reference when choosing a card to send to me. I wouldn’t send something that makes me uncomfortable, but I don’t have to love every card I send. It’s more important for me that the receivers do.


You don’t have to send it; as others stated it’s against postcrossing rules to demand certain cards. They can make suggestions and share things that they’d like to receive but you aren’t obligated to send that what they ask for.

That said, I interpreted ‘racy’ to mean ‘risque’ or ‘sexy’. In which case you definitely don’t have to send something like that if you aren’t comfortable with it.


People give me cards because they know I use them all the time. I also occasionally purchase several at a time at thrift stores. There are often cards I would not purchase myself, but I hold on to many of them because someone might want that specific type of card. For instance, somebody might want cathedrals in Spain or puppies or cards from the 1940’s in Arizona. These are probably cards I would never go out and purchase myself (or even be able to!).

There are a few I’ve thrown away because they were very distasteful – pro-slavery, for instance. But I keep historical cards and share them. So it depends on the context.

If someone asked for something I can’t support, like torture, I would not send that.

Fortunately, I’ve never seen anything that drastic here on Postcrossing.