Is anyone here from St. Petersburg ? ๐Ÿ’ž need your help

Hello dear friends! Iโ€™m from St. Petersburg, Russia . And I am looking for someone from St. Petersburg (USA) to exchange postcards with a view of the city of St. Petersburg (America-Russia) If someone is interested, please write me PM :smiley::pray:


This is such a cute idea!

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Friends, may be someone will go there for vacation ?

Dear Friends, this summer I will go in my S-Pb and will take few cards from there :love_letter: โ€ฆ My offer is available, if someone will have cards for me , let me know please :pray::blush:

Hi Alyonushka-SPb! Iโ€™m in Pinellas Park, Florida only 10 minutes North of St. Petersburg. I just got a postcard yesterday from the Tampa Bay Automobile Museum of a vintage car and the downtown skyline in the background. Please DM me with your address and Iโ€™ll be happy to send it your way. Let me know if you prefer that I send it in an envelope.

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Oh my God ! Thank you very much dear Heather :relaxed::pray: , you are a real fairy! ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€ You are realizing my dream !!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: PM send :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

But if someone else will have same possibility, Iโ€™m ready for swap

@Alyonushka-SPb You can also search for Postcrossers in St. Petersburg, Florida by going to the Postcrossing homepage and clicking on Explore and then click on Search. Then, put in the country, state and city and it will list all the Postcrossers in that city. You can also choose only members who have been active recently and who are interested in direct swaps. Good luck!

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Wow ! I didnโ€™t knew it! Thank you very much dear Kristina ! :blush::pray: I will try ! With best wishes,Elena :raising_hand_woman::blossom:

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Iโ€™m sure you will find people who are willing to swap with you! :blush: :ru: :us:

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I hope ! :grin: Thank you very much dear! Have a wonderful day :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

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Today is my happy day! :tada::tada::tada: And I want to share here my wonderful Saint Petersburg cards from @HeatherSuncoast :love_letter::heartpulse: Thank you infinity dear for this wonderful swap ! :blush::pray::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:
Wonderful envelope with special Saint Petersburg cancellation :heart_eyes::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

Wonderful cards with my lovely unknown American Saint Petersburg :heartpulse:

Thank you very much dear for extra stamps on the cards ! :pray::blush: :revolving_hearts:

Itโ€™s fantastic feeling really! Thank you very much dear Heather for all ! I still waiting for second vaccination and will go in Russia. Iโ€™m impatient to send you my SPb cards from Russia! :love_letter:
Thank you very much!


I received another wonderful postcard with the image of my lovely St. Petersburg! :heartpulse::tada::tada::tada::love_letter::blush: Thank you very much for your advice dear @KristinaGisela ! I wrote to two people in your way and one kind guy already sent me a very lovely postcard !

Thanks a lot dear Gibson @gmerrick ! I am very glad to have found wonderful people here and I am looking forward to send them my postcards in return! :revolving_hearts::love_letter::love_letter: Thank you all very much for your responsiveness and your help :blush::pray: the postcrossing community are great friends! :muscle::grin:
Thank you all :heartpulse:

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Thatโ€™s wonderful! Iโ€™m so glad you have been able to find fellow St. Petersburg residents to swap with! Itโ€™s such a neat idea to do a St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg swap. Who knows? Maybe sometime you can organize an joint Russia-US St. Petersburg online meetup :blush:

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Ah , really! Thank you very much dear Kristina ! You have always wonderful idea ! :blush: Sure for me itโ€™s great pleasure to speak about SPb!
Friends ,next time if someone else will go there, Iโ€™m always happy for swap ! :revolving_hearts::love_letter:

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Dear @sunshineandsparkle Lea and other friends from Saint Petersburg, if someone else want to swap with me , I will be very happy! Next week I will go in Russia for send you all my SPb cards in return :love_letter: :revolving_hearts:

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Hello friends! Finally Iโ€™m in Saint Petersburg now ! :tada::tada::tada: This wonderful building itโ€™s a 3 floors of great book shop! :heartpulse::heart_eyes: one of my favorite places of SPb . Iโ€™m still prepare my return cards ! :blush::love_letter::revolving_hearts:


postcards are bought, it remains to write, a little more time friends! :love_letter:

@KristinaGisela , one card also for you ? :blush:


I would love to receive one! You pick the one youโ€™d like to send! Iโ€™m sure I will like it very much :ru::love_letter::us:

Some cards was already mailed, this is few extra envelopes from Saint Petersburg with love :love_letter::blush:

Wonderful news friends @HeatherSuncoast @gmerrick , finally @KristinaGisela get my first envelope mailed from Saint Petersburg :tada::tada::tada::blush:
Just a little patience , all envelopes will arrive! :love_letter: :crossed_fingers::blush:

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