
Hallo postcrossing-family. Today’s the first time i see this…

"I just started doing postcrossing and I really want to post the received postcards to my Instagram, leave your nickname on the postcards, I will definitely mark you. In addition, I will be happy to find new interlocutors from other countries) "

I don’t want this. I’ve no Instagram-Account. I send her a postcard, telling her, i don’t want that. Not the card, not my writing-style, not my Nickname.
What are YOU thinking about this?
Greetings from Germany, Kaffeefee


You have to send a card for the address that you have drawn. You may wish to alert the admins about this. Perhaps they can contact the other member to remind them that what they wish to do is against PostCrossing guidelines.

In which way does uploading the picture side to instagram violate the pc rules?
I also do not want to be on Facebook, Instagram and crap alike, but I cannot forbid anybody to upload picture sides of postcards.


Is this person posting the entire postcard, or just the front? If it’s just the front, I wouldn’t find it to be an issue, as that would be no different from the wall on the Postcrossing website. If it’s the back however, I would definitely report it to the admin.


Occasionally I post the picture side of a card on Facebook or Instagram…these are extra special cards (such as a Mayan temple) and I share them with my non-postcard friends. None of them is going to know who sent it to me.


I dont have Instagram but I dont mind my cards being put up. I have my postcrossing name on my cards but I can’t view anything since I dont have Instagram. I dont like that about the program. you cant even view what is posted unless you have an account so you dont know what people say. but I am not a person that is bothered about something like that for long


I think what this person means is that if you’re on Instagram, to include your Instagram handle (for example mine is @valerie.erin) so that when they post a photo, they can tag you in it to let you know.

I highly doubt they will be posting any kind of information such as your name, address, etc, but they are saying if you are on Instagram, include your nickname on the postcard you send. Obviously if you’re not on Instagram you don’t need to.


This is how I understand it, too. To me they’re doing the same thing as what I do (uploading all the cards I receive to a Flickr album). I don’t show the back or anyone’s personal information, just the image on the card - same thing as uploading it to your postcrossing wall when it comes in. I think they just want to know if you have a username/are a member of IG when you send your card so that they can attribute the card to you there. :slight_smile:


As long as it’s only the picture side of the card, where’s the problem? Nothing else than here on the wall.
Also I cannot see why it should be a problem to post the nickname? That’s why we use nicknames and not our clearnames 🤷
Though I think it was meant to put the insta name for tagging because the Postcrossing nickname can be seen right after registering the card.


Dear @Kaffeefee, in your place I would check out the instagram account (if you can) to see if the user is posting the image side only (okay) or the text side (not okay, that’s against the Postcrossing rules).
If you write onto the textside, that you don’t want your name or nickname to be published anywhere, that might work.


I have received a few postcards that read more like an instagram add than anything else.
It’s a little disappointing, but I guess social media is just a big part of some people’s personalities :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello postcrossing family. Thank you for your answers, advice, tips. I wrote on the card that I don’t want my card on Instagram. Since I don’t have an account there, I thought it could be used to make nonsense. For example, if you send a postcard from your hometown, the place has few inhabitants, you have to expect that suddenly someone is at the door. I don’t think it’s unthinkable. If the postcard from Instagram is shared on other platforms, Kaffeefee mentioned, where does that end? Maybe I’m just being very careful. All the best, stay healthy, Kaffeefee

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