INCOMPLETE - Meet up in or near Omaha Nebraska

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Omaha, Nebraska
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: ???
:calendar: DATE: Yet to be determined
:alarm_clock: TIME: ???
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: to send postcards all over the world:decorate postcards

does anyone wish to meet up?

Do we have a date, time, location?? I’d love to go to a meet up sometime.

I’m in Omaha this weekend (09/23 & 09/24) on Business. Any suggestions on meetups or favorite postcard shops? I wouldn’t mind connecting while in town.

Would love to meet up with other folks depending on good ol’ Nebraska weather. Maybe CTRL would be willing to save us some space?

I would love to come to a meet up in Omaha.