In loving memory of @AureliaGould 🕊

This is a post to inform the Postcrossing community that unfortunately @AureliaGould is no longer with us. She passed away today. This post is also a tribute to what she has brought to this community.

Maria was an active member of the Greek Postcrossing community. She had written an online article in a popular Greek newspaper, which attracted many new members to the community. She had also reached out to a famous Facebook page, which explained in a Facebook post the concept of postcrossing, bringing even more members to the community.

She also had an account for swaps on instagram and was co-admining the facebook group of the Greek Postcrossing community on facebook.

She will be remembered with love, through the cards she sent and the passion she had for this hobby.

Rest in peace, Maria. :dove:


Peace :pray:


May she rest in peace!

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Thank you @agapara for informing the Community about that.
I pinned this topic at the top of the list.

RIP Maria :candle:


Rest in Peace :candle: :pray:
I wish her family and friends much strength.

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I once exchanged with her cards. it was a really nice encounter. RIP. I wish all she left behind lots of strength and may she stay in our memories forever


Unfortunately, her loss came as a shock for us who knew her. She was a wonderful.person…May she Rest In Peace now and take care of us from up above


Oh no :sob: May she Rest In Peace.

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May she rest in peace :dove:

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I’m so sorry :pensive: I swapped with her once, I remember her kindness. My heart goes to her family and friends.


May she be in a better place, rest in peace. :black_heart: Love and strength to her family and friends. May her furry friends give you some comfort as well.


I got an official card from her last summer with a lovely message. May she rest in peace.
My thoughts are with her family and with all of you who knew her. :heart:

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Rest in peace my dear friend Maria :sleepy::pray:

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Rest in Peace, Maria :candle::disappointed::broken_heart:

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Rest in peace Maria… :pensive: :cry:

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Τι θλιβερά νέα…

Το άρθρο της στην Καθημερινή ήταν ο λόγος που ξεκίνησα στο Ποστκροσινγ…
Τα συλλυπητήρια μου στην οικογένεια και τους φίλους της…

What a sad news.
Her article in Kathimerini was the reason I joined Post Crossing
My condolences to her family and friends…

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Very unfortunate news. May she rest in peace. :pray:t4: :

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We will miss you, Maria. Although we first “met” less than a year ago, I very much enjoyed your cards and our chats about jazz and cats. You leave behind many friends who remember how much you did to make our world a happier place.:green_heart: