In English - English Corner - Any Topics


I was told by one of the Postcrossing moderators that I could create a new thread like English Corner in this community, where people from non-Ex Yugoslavian countries can post in English about any topics including swap requests.

Today, I, myself, have a question.

I was wondering what kind of little souvenirs I can get in Serbia (in Kragujevac and Belgrade) for only one Euro value ? Maybe a bookmark? A view postcard ? A newspaper ? A small magazine ? Mint postage stamps ? Tourist brochure ? A chocolate bar ? Fridge magnet ?

I need to buy souvenirs for about ten people, all adults, but it has to be around only 1 euro for each person, excluding sales tax.

Thank you so much for your response in advance! :slight_smile:

Happy Spring time!



I am now in Kragujevac, Serbia, and having a really wonderful time.

So far, I found items less than one euro or around one euro, like a bookmark at a bookstore (70 dinars), a chocolate bar (around 40 dinars), a small wooden cross (protecting travellers and drivers) at the church in the city center of Kragujevac (130 dinars) and a touristic view card at the main post office in Kragujevac is 35 dinars. The laminated card of the little copy of the icons at the churches with the text on the back was 20 dinars each. A box of 20 teabags is also around 65 dinars.

I already bought all of the above a lot for souvenirs.

I hope this info helps if you ever travel to Serbia.

Edited to add :

A day before I left Kragujevac, Serbia, I went to the tourist info center in the city center and found some wonderful viewcards there - 30 dinars each. There were some other lovely souvenirs sold there too which were not so expensive (compared to the ones in Beograd). I highly recommend you to visit this tourist info center if you ever visit Kragujevac :slight_smile:


Hello, greetings from Japan

I would like to know how reliable the postal service is in your country in EX- Yugoslavia.

So far, all my sent items to Slovenia and Croatia have arrived safely. And I also receive safely from these two countries.

As for Serbia, I read someone’s Postcrossing profile that the affixed stamps on the cards can be stolen… Also, I have the impression that postal items can be lost on the way sometimes or every once in a while, for example, when sent from Japan, due to my experiences.

So, I would like to know if you have been receiving postal mails from abroad safely or not in your country.

Thank you for your response in advance.

Another catastrophic flood, this time in Slovenia and Austria. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :pray:


Hello fellow Postcrossers in Serbia,

I heard from a Postcrosser in Beograd yesterday that there is a postal strike going on now there, so I have to wait till the strike ends to be able to send postal mails again to Beograd.

Could anyone post here and let us all know when it ends ?

Thank you in advance!

Yes, there are strikes going on - Belgrade is in pretty bad shape and Novi Sad is completely blocked off. I will be pleased to inform you of any progress.

I think you can still safely send mail. By the time it gets to Serbia the strikes might be over, and it’s not like the postal workers are just burning all the mail - it’ll get there, just very, very late.

Also, I absolutely support the postal workers. If my wage was 500€ a month and I was being overworked because the company won’t hire more workers, I’d go on strike too.



Thank you for your comment !
Yes, please let us know when the strikes are over. Anyway, I am going to send postal mails to Beograd, Nis and Kragujevac sometime soon - I hope they arrive to each destination safely and sometime soon, hopefully.

The strikes are basically over. Letters are arriving around the country. My postman hasn’t been at work, but I’m afraid that might be because he’s been fired or something…

Anyway, feel free to send your mail. It’ll be fine.

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Hi !
Thank you so much for lettng us know. I will prepare postal mails to send to Serbia this month. :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful day / evening !

@clubpostcards I usually send a lot of stuff to Serbia. I can also confirm it’s working again. I checked out my tracked letters and parcels and they all arrived by now in different parts of the country. :slight_smile: My postcards are probably a bit slower, but should arrive in near future too.

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Hello from Japan!

I would like to find Mail Art pals / friends in ex-Yugoslavia countries. In an envelope, we enclose something we created, like, illustrations, paintings, collages, etc.

I make hand-carved stamps with erasers and I make postcards, mini zines and bookmarks with my hand-carved stamps.

If you would like to exchange mail art with a short note / short letter with me sometimes, please do contact me anytime.

Edited to add :

I am still looking for mail art pals :slight_smile:

Here are some of my artworks made with my hand-carved stamps :


I noticed there was someone from non-Ex Yugoslavia country participating in Ex-Yu tag. Is this tag open for people in non-Ex Yugoslavian countries too if s/he writes in an Ex-Yu language ?

@clubpostcards I believe that EX YU tag should be only for participants whose countries were once part of Yugoslavia.


Okay, thank you.
Right now, the last to be tagged in Ex-Yu tag is from someone in Italy…

Hello, dear Postcrossers from Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia!

I recently started a new tag, The Balkans meet the World, and we’re in need of more Balkan members (using the wider Wikipedia definition for Balkans).

If anyone is interested in joining, I am leaving the link:

I wish you a lovely evening! :blush: