In celebration of some recent fast deliveries!

It’s so exciting all these speedy European deliveries!

I’ve recently had:

AU-888296 → Germany - 15 days
AU-888121 → Poland - 16 days

It’s the little things…:rofl:!

I got excited today. I had a card registered after travelling to the US…in just ten days :flushed:…I thought!

But it was a false alarm!

It turns out that my card was auto-registered by Postcrossing. A quick look at the recipient’s account showed that they had about 172 postcards registered today. All of which had been drawn on the same day…2nd August.

I’m wondering if they just ended up with too many cards coming in and decided to circumvent the registration process by doing this? I felt kinda deflated by it. It’s moments like these that you reconsider how much effort you put into the sending process. But I’ll get over it. Thankfully it is an unusual occurrence for me so far :+1:t2:, and it did get registered…so that’s a plus!!

Hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Anyone else watch THE match last night? Oh my goodness! That was sooooo tense. What an amazing effort! I can’t wait for Wednesday now. :yum:

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Holy cats, how do you even get 172 cards drawn on the same day…?! I guess coming back from being inactive? The algorithm shouldn’t allow someone to be drawn that many times all at once. I can only imagine that registering even half that many cards at once would be way too overwhelming. Sorry you were on the sending end of that @Tinkatutu, that would be a bit disappointing.

On the happier note, I had a card to Ireland in 10 days! :tada: My official sent within Australia took that long :rofl:

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Yes, it’s very odd. Their last registered ‘received’ date is 2020 (before the 172 cards registered yesterday). So I guess they were inactive during that time. Then became active again…had the gazillion cards owed to them hit the system all at once (a system I wish could be changed to allow a trickle effect), then moved addresses and thereby avoided having to register any of them manually. So I guess they won’t even receive my card…if they have moved and don’t have access to the address after moving (which is what must have been indicated in the process, in order for the system to do what it did…because my card will not actually have arrived in the US within ten days. Hopefully the new tenant will enjoy receiving it (and many of the other 172 cards which also will not have arrived in the US in ten days). :woman_shrugging:t2:

In the end I’m grateful that the card got registered at all, I just did not like the feeling of having been a part of this massive ‘catch up’ and auto-registration process.

Wow 13 days to the Netherlands! Super quick!

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New record of ELEVEN DAYS!! to Japan! I can hardly believe it - Auspost must be REALLY picking up lately!

You can even see the change in my sent tab:
Look at that, going from 77 and 83 days (sent during the pandemic) to just 11!


19 days to the US! With $3.60 domestic postage on :smiley: I’m not used to my travelling cards ticking their way up to 40 days in the Netherlands, so this is a nice surprise!



AU-895087 - 14 days - > USA :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Ok, so celebrating a US delivery made me laugh out loud, because I have just received a card from the US that was first sent in April 2021. It has a second US postmark on it from last month, apparently it went to Alabama rather than Australia and then sat for nearly 2.5 years. I guess there is always hope for your long awaited cards!


Oh wow!!! Do you wonder how the story went? Did someone prop it up on a windowsill to ‘deal with it later’ and there it sat for 2.5 years until…the work experience kid looked at it and asked what it was doing there? I’d just love to know some of the long transit stories. :thinking::rofl:


While my official cards have not noticed a significant decrease in their travelling time, I just did a swap with the UK (London region) which crashed any previous record by alot.
The travelling time from Perth to the UK was just 8 days


Another Woohoo from me!

I guess it’s not super speedy…but it was unexpectedly quick for me, and it’s opened up another WPD slot so it’s a winner!!!

AU-898313 - 9 days → Japan :jp: YAY!


Single digits!? Always worthy of celebration :wink:

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This post will be slightly “against topic”

I like collecting cards and I found this beautiful card sent from Australia to the United States more than 100 years ago…

Since this card has two postmarks, one from the Australia and one from the US, I come to the conclusion that the delivery time was a probably slightly more than 1 month.

Looking at this old card and also looking at the current times of my travelling cards, I can only marvel at the consistency in the delivery times that Australia Post offers throughout the last 100 years or so :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I feel like mail has been slow of late so these 2 surprised me!

14 days → Japan

15 days → Germany

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I’m glad it’s not just me feeling like things have been slow. Ever since WPD it feels like I’ve been waiting so long between registrations :tired_face:. I even sent an envelope to Queensland recently…11 days later and I still don’t think it’s arrived. :frowning:


In trying to keep up a positive outlook, I’m gonna cheer about AU-909442 arriving in the UK in just 13 days!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

@ahmandah…thank you again for these cards :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


I’ve had quite a range lately, from 12 days to Germany AU909071 and 13 days to Finland AU-908356 to 161 days to China AU-884143!


Not an official, but my envelope to @Queen_of_the_Hounds reached in 6 days (1 to 6 Dec)

Amazed at the speed - even more when you take into account 2 and 3 Dec was the weekend, it reached in four working days!


AU-911027 Just 11 days all the way to Germany! Maybe the Christmas postcard I’m sending to Germany today might even get there before Christmas.