I'm afraid to use this... stamp!

These two items came with a package of mixed stamps yesterday. Apparently, the one on the left is a stamp valued at 5¢ postage. I suspect it was never intended to be used, but a collector’s item? I’d be willing to put the huge thing on an envelope, but would USPS let it go through? I’d hate to have them (or recipient country post office) demand an underpayment fee! I was also baffled at first by the enclosed Santa pic, until I realized it included a stamp from his belt up to his hat.


I would avoid using that $0.05 souvenir sheet on an envelope. Most USPS issued items are valid for postage.


Those are great! I took a screenshot of your image and ran each stamp image through Google Lens. A lot of listings on eBay and Etsy came up.

I love the Santa one!


I’ve received the Santa minisheet on an envelope sent from the US and it worked fine. As the recipient, I loved it :heart_eyes:


Same as what Nathalie (the person above me) said.
I also received an envelope with the Santa minisheet on it, and I totally love it :heart_eyes:

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Also me , I received fantastic Santa stamp on envelope I love it much ! I collect special beautiful envelopes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This envelope landed in Spain:


I’ve received the 5 cent mini sheet many times on envelopes, and there have been no problems.

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To OP:

Use it. Just add remaining postage to add to the current rate.
Almost ALL stamps are issued for postage and as collectors items.
It says 5 cents and US Postage. Its exactly what its used for, postage worth 5 cents.

I’ve recieved that Santa souvenir sheet before. It came from within the US so it was perfect. You can always write your from address on the back of the envelope and the to address on the front.

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I have a bunch of those 5 cent ones and no use for them

The Santa sheet seems to have no adhesive; seems to be that one detaches the Forever stamp within to use it.

I have received mail with the first mimi souvenir sheet so I say do it.


As others have said, use the stamp part for 5 cents and add the remaining postage. Stamps are never meant to only be collector’s items.

Also, another country would never complain about underpayment. That is taken care of in the originating country.

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I’ve received mail franked with that 5 cent SIPEX souvenir sheet in the past year on two separate envelopes from collectors in the U.S. Yes, you can certainly use the entire sheetlet as 5 cent postage.

These were printed in huge quantities; they’re worth a couple of dollars so you’re paying ‘above the rate’ but when sent to a collector it generates a priceless smile!