Ideas needed for Postcrossing's 20th anniversary!

Now that Postcrossing’s 19th anniversary has passed, the big 20th is coming up! :scream:

We have been working on the plans for that for some time now, but we are still looking for more ideas! In addition to the meetups that will likely be happening around the world organized by the community, we are looking for things that can allow anyone to join, regardless of their location.

On the 5th anniversary we asked postcrossers to send us photo of them and we complied a video with it.

On the 10th anniversary we collected people’s photos celebrating the event which we then plotted on a page (no longer online) with a world map showing each one in their location.

And on the 15th, we did a gallery of people holding postcards and/or posting them.

Now, we are looking for more ideas of what could be done for the big 20! Perhaps a variation of the previous ones – or, perhaps something totally different. But, ideally, something that any postcrosser could get a chance to participate on – we want this to be a global celebration!

Hence, please put your thinking caps and let us know what you come up with! We make no promises, but we will surely consider every single suggestion.


What about selling official PC postcards from the official store: a 20th anniversary edition.?
And then put together a gallery of the cards around the world


What about flooding the Postcrossing Head Quarter’s mailbox with (birthday) postcards? Then you can make a video or gallery or something to show all the cards.


Maybe request users to write the story between themselves and postcrossing?


That’s a great idea too

Perhaps some sticker sheets or temporary tattoos in the store - these are relatively lightweight and should not cost too much to purchase and ship out.

On the big day people can show off the stickers and tattoos they’ve stuck on cards and themselves

(I want to say washi too - but it’s not flat and may end up being considered as a package instead of a flat rate letter - which increases the postage)


Omg, thank you so much for sharing the wonderful blog links pf previous celebration :tada: seeing the 5th anniversary video just made my day, so great and fantastic moments!! Video filled with lots of Snailmailing love :love_letter:

Dear @meiadeleite , i had to scroll to the last to see the lovely couple’s celebration pic:) sweet))

And i would suggest that, people celebrating the 20th anniversary, or dropping off cards (on the day or few days before- so they can send images to team), or picture of people writing cards:)

Ps. I love seeing those wonderful postboxes!!! :star_struck:
Pps. Saving this thread, hope I’ll come up with some great idea to share:)


Why don’t we write a poem/a rap, devide lines/parts among people of many countries, and join that in one total video?


We can create a gallery of quotes about letters from literature of many countries.

Or maybe (I’ve got this idea for long) write chain stories, part after part, and then send them to the main office so that you could display “Stories uniting the world”.

You could create a blog where the postcrossers could share their life stories of how a card/or a letter once changed their life.


I like the idea of official PC Cards and people could send some of them back to you all with the story of why they joined PC. Then you could make a blog post/video/collage/something with all of the postcards.


My idea is super simple :

Everyone sends at least one postcard on official Postcrossing and write about Postcrossing’s 20th anniversary to the recipient worldwide.

This is something everyone can do, basically, on Postcrossing, if you are a member.

Shop ideas are good but some people would not or cannot shop online due to various reasons.

At the same time, there are people who would not go for the ideas of showing themselves on photos or videos publicly.

Just my thoughts.



How about a design a card contest for an official postcrossings 20th birthday card? Similar to WPCD ?


Just what I had in mind! Maybe not a professional design as the WPD needs to be. Just create a postcard that celebrates Postcrossing('s 20th aniversary)?


Possibly a festive postcard, available in the shop, plus stickers, washi tape and temporary tattoos. Plus files to print the cards locally and clip art that you can attach to your own designs.


What about using some of the funny quotes of the “You you’re a postcrosser, when …”-Topic to make official cards out of them? (with or without the respective postcrossers name, but with permission, of course)

You could also combine the quotes with new designs made by other postcrossers.


Starting from now people will send meetup cards feom the meetings of the next year to Postcrossing, stamped by participants but unused. Postcrossing then put up auction for those cards and the highest bidder wins and gets the cards send to, for then to use.


agree :slight_smile: that would be much work of course, to show all the cards. but I’d love to see mine personally :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The pictures and video from past milestone anniversaries brought tears to my eyes and made me feel even closer to wonderful Postcrossers around the world. :heart:


Photos of cinderella stamps or stickers of the mail carriers on postcards! I also love the meet up card idea. Perhaps a video of postcrossers singing happy birthday postcrossing in their native tongue.

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