Icons of Countries

Hello again series collectors

A pen friend wants to know where he can find the series called ICONS, we have no idea, we got some at home and we can read only Singapore but there is no address or link: website.

Thanks for your help

Aloy and Edu


You can find them here on instagram


Hello again, fantastic. We are going to send you a surprise card for your information, our pleasure. Do you have the same address?


Aloy and Edu

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Yes I do. Thank you.

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Thanks to you, probably another Unesco card, great idea. its ok to you?

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Sounds perfect. Thanks

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ohhh we have an idea, next Octuber 9th is available a postmark to celebrate world post day Costa Rica 2023, if you can wait some days we can paste that rare postmark in our card to you, what do you think???

Aloy and Edu

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That sounds wonderful. Thank you

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Good night Nadine

Would you like to receive our little surprise: Unesco stone ball the Diquis, the card is just a stone ball, we can paste a stone ball stamp and paste the rare postmark world post day 2023 Costa Rica next Octuber 9th.

Please let us know because the card is just a stone ball however we have just 3 or 4 cards, very soon no more of this card because we bought all of them some time ago.

Aloy and Edu

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Good morning,

that card sounds very interesting. I would be happy to receive it.
Thank you so much :slight_smile:
Also the stamp and postmark sound fantastic. Thank you so much!

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ohh no our Mom is asking us to turn off the computer, very funny. bye bye for now

Aloy and Edu

going to bed inmediately

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Please Nadine send us your address, we don’t have the computer now to see ir.


We need to paste a second stamp in our surprise Unesco stone ball card

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Does anybody knew where I can find the full list for icons of the world series?
Thank you!!

The publisher is available on Instagram. This post says it is a set of 77 postcards. May be you can contact the publisher for the detailed list.


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Very interesting information.