I want to register postcards that have arrived after cancelling my old postcrossing account

Buenos días:
Por favor, hace 4 días tuve que anular mi anterior cuenta en postcrossing, otra persona de mi país tenía mi mismo mail y contraseña, fue muy muy extraño y desconcertante. Me están llegando postales enviadas a mi anterior cuenta, por favor quiero registrar que esas postales han llegado a mi dirección. Son postales desde Alemania (DE-10405771, Danke Nicole!!) y desde Holanda (NL-4937358, Thanks a lot Yvon).
¿Pueden ayudarme? Muchas gracias por su atención.

Hola, @Portilloo,

En esta parte del forum se tiene que escribir en ingles. En tu situacion, seria mejor contactar el support directamente, ellos pueden ayudarte: https://www.postcrossing.com/contact

In this part of the forum it is required to write in English. For help with registering cards, it would be best to contact the support directly: https://www.postcrossing.com/contact


Translated with DeepL:
Good morning:
Please, 4 days ago I had to cancel my previous account in postcrossing, another person from my country had my same email and password, it was very very strange and disconcerting. I am receiving postcards sent to my previous account, please register that these postcards have arrived at my address. They are postcards from Germany (DE-10405771, Danke Nicole!!) and from the Netherlands (NL-4937358, Thanks a lot Yvon).
Can you help me? Thank you very much for your attention.

Here in this part of the forum it is only allowed to speak English.
I translated your post and I recommend that you contact Postcrossing support - only there will they be able to help you.


If you cancelled your account, those postcards have already been registered automatically by Postcrossing! :slight_smile:

Si canceló su cuenta, esas postales ya han sido registradas automáticamente por Postcrossing.

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Your right @Ludek but I checked the ID of the german card and it isn’t registered yet.
:thinking: Maybe the ID is wrong.

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Thank you very much Ludek!

I think that the ID number has one extra number. It´s from Berlín, DE-10405771.

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