I need help to translate a postcard

Hello!!! I received a postcard from Poland and I have difficult to understand this letter + what it is meaning.

may you help me?

Thank you in advance

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I think it says
Cześć : D Gorące pozdrowienia z Żędowic
Trzymaj Ĺźie : D

which is in English
Hi :smiley: Warm greetings from Żędowice
Take care :smiley:

The name now… It might be Mateusz, it might be something else.

: D would be the smiley :smiley:


Hello Mosshumla!

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, his name is Mateusz and his from Żędowice

I like to try my best to decipher handwriting that is difficult to read.
I could read “Cześć :D”and”Żędowic”and”Trzymaj się :D”, but the others were difficult!
I learned a lot to, thank you.

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yeah… it’s so difficult :frowning:
Thank you for your effort. I think the answer of @Mosshumla is correct.

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I just want to confirm that @Mosshumla’s transcription and translation are correct :slight_smile:

And the handwriting is not the easiest, that’s true :slight_smile:

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hehe thank you !!!