I apologize to ALL the postcrossingers that I should send postcard to

MaJiang! Your message brought tears to my eyes. Please know that you are not alone. Think positive thoughts no matter what anyone says. You have a huge community of well wishers here. Stay strong and fight with everything you have. Cancer sucks but it also makes us who we are. We are strong. We are loved. We make a difference in the world. Never, ever forget that. Big hugs from California!

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You are so much stronger than you think. Keep on fighting and don’t give up.
With Prayers,

Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
I would like to ask you to revise your post and write it in English, as this is the forum language.
Speaking Chinese is only allowed in Chinese - 汉语 / 漢語 and China .

From the Forum Guidelines:

English is the official language of the forum, and this language should be used throughout the forum — except on the Language and Geographical communities, and on the Meetups sections.

I’m not among the postcrossers who should receive a postcard from you, but I would be happy to send you one if you want. In that case, please, send me your address. :blush:
I wish you all the best!

I hope you recover soon and overcome the disease!

Sending good vibes your way :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:
Believe in your strength and fight! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:We are here to support you
Big hug

Dear MaJiang,
I hope you will get well soon,

"Hope you can face life optimistically. All things are empty, only by letting go and following the trend, can you achieve success. What you gain or lose is not necessarily under your control.

In the end, everyone will end up on a dead end, only the difference in time.

The script of life is chosen by oneself, but fate comes and goes and eventually turns to dust.

The exchange of postcards here is also a fate from the past. If unfinished, it will continue in the next life.

Gather when fate allows, don’t hold on when fate departs."






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I wish you all the strength possible and hope you will be well again soon. Hugs from Taiwan :taiwan:

All the best for you!

Best wishes from Alabama.

Hope you can get well soon!