Hybrid Tampa, FL Meetup April 16th, 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tampa, Florida
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Tampa Stadium Hotel, Lakeside Event Center, 4750 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa FL 33614
:calendar: DATE: April 16th, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11AM - 1PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sign/Stamps Postcards. Postcards discussion about the last postcard you received! Or any postcard you bring.
And for those can not make it, but still would like to participate, we will provide a Zoom link, so you can join us. (thank you John)

We’ll have meetup postcards to share. (Thank you Tona) You can also bring stickers, stamps, and postcards to exchange or give away to fellow Postcrossers.

Save the date!! :star_struck:


I’m looking forward to going. I’ll plan on bringing my laptop and webcam so others can join. I’ll post a Zoom link here for those who want to attend that way.


I’m hoping to attend! Thank you for the invite!

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Thank you John :star_struck:

I am SO excited!! I have been wanting to go to one for SO long!!!

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Hi, its one large room, and the Postcard Show will be going on in there. Lots of tables full with postcards! We, the meetup, will have a table some where in there. When you get in, pay the entry fee (Postcard Show fee) and you can ask right there, where are the Postcrossers! Very hard to miss! Hope to see you there! Hope this helps.


THANK YOU all for putting this together! I’ve been wanting to go to one of these for a long time. This will be my first and I’m really looking forward to it! See ya’ll there!!

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Yes, it does help. Thanks for the info!

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Planning to attend! It’s been a while since my last Tampa (or any, really) meet-up.

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Hi! I hope to attend. Yay…first timer here. I’m so excited for the opportunity Thank you for organizing the Meetup, Mali7002!

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Join us online via zoom:

Password: SunshinePC

It was wonderful to meet everyone! I enjoyed signing the postcards, visiting with everyone, and then digging through the 25 cent boxes at the card show. Thank you for providing postcards and also for the free one that members shared. See you in October!

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Is there a show in October? I don’t live far from there & would love to attend. Thanks!

There should be…the local postcard club will have a show. They are the Sunshine Postcard Club (they have a Facebook page). If they do, they will announce here on the forum.

Yes there is a meet-up in October. It will be our last meet-up at that location. Tampa Stadium Hotel is “kicking us out.” I’m just quoting another postcard friend there named Dana.
I am planning on making at least 50 meet-up cards. I haven’t decided if I want to use the Tampa or Zephyrhills emblem again.
If it is planned to have another meet-up, I am planning it now.
October 8, 2022

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